what is the proper serving size for brussel sprouts?

The province started Short Hills park and gradually bought up surrounding farms, tearing down the buildings.
But the valleys with orchards and the farmer's home gardens still grow, if you know where to look.
Finding brussel sprouts growing meant seeing that for the first time, a strange and beautiful looking vegetable.
It calls out eat me, eat me, every shiny, round little sprout.

When I worked in Tillsonburg, tobacco country, I got to see tobacco plants growing in farms.
These plants are huge, but totally noxious. People work for a day with them, if you can take it, you got a job.
The leaves cut you and inflame your skin, at the very least. Those plants don't want you around.
I can dig it, but I don't.

as always, John Watt
I really like the microwavable frozen brussel sprouts in the butter sauce that you can get at the grocer. The wife and I will split one pack as a side dish, and we don't suffer extra gas generally. So, I guess the proper serving size is about half a small pack of frozen sprouts. Yummy. :)
I really like the microwavable frozen brussel sprouts in the butter sauce that you can get at the grocer. The wife and I will split one pack as a side dish, and we don't suffer extra gas generally. So, I guess the proper serving size is about half a small pack of frozen sprouts. Yummy. :)

so i looked it up and the proper serving size is half a cup. and that half a cup is 30 calories. i probably ate a cup and a half. no wonder my insides were going to explode.
so i looked it up and the proper serving size is half a cup. and that half a cup is 30 calories. i probably ate a cup and a half. no wonder my insides were going to explode.

I'll tell you what I was told when I had to take a swimming test in the Puget Sound. Learn to enjoy your discomfort. :)
Brussels sprouts are yummy. I like to quarter them and then sauté them in olive oil with a clove of garlic until they are crispy. I usually allocate about 5 Brussels sprouts per person. I've never had them grilled. I need to try that.
the problem with cooked veggies is that most people cook them into mush. i don't like that either.

See, my mother used to do this universally. Canned or frozen.... didn't matter. Boiled into baby food.... terrible stuff. To this day I will only use canned or frozen veggies if fresh looks bad, or just way too expensive. Out of season, we rarely bought fresh veggies unless it was for salad. Fresh stuff was had by the bucketload during the summer & fall though. We had our own garden... usually we grew tomatoes, summer squashes & cucumbers. My aunt had a bigger garden, and what we didn't grow, she did. I remember one summer she had some big honking watermelons growing... those suckers were so sweet and full of juice that I can still remember it.
I love brussels sprouts, but my wife hates them so we rearely have them. I don't know what the proper serving size is. 5-10 sprouts? :embarrassed: