What Do You Think About People That Wear 'TapOut' Gear?

fucking douchenozzles wear that shit. Id rather associate with hipster trash than those roid raged guido wannabes
I think people who wear Tapout gear are fucking badass. I make sure to avoid eye contact with those people because they'll probably suplex me if they caught me looking at them.
I know dudes that compete and none of them wear that stuff. :shrug: Most of the guys I see wearing tapout shirts are goobers.
I pass two guys walking on the side of the road wearing TAPOUT shirts, gold chains, and drinking cans of Miller Lite.

If my insurance deductible wasn't so high...
I know dudes that compete and none of them wear that stuff. :shrug: Most of the guys I see wearing tapout shirts are goobers.

I think it looks kinda douchey.... but I have been known to wear a scarf and I wear bandannas. I don't judge :embarrassed: