What Do You Think About People That Wear 'TapOut' Gear?

No hipster would be caught DEAD in Tapout gear.

We see a lot of people in it around here. I always :facepalm: when I see it.
Please provide pics of you wearing this so-called "Tap-out" gear and we shall decry your hipsternity.

Same as I think of the douchebage wearing Ed Hardy crap. Lay off the steroids, stop trying to start fights with everything you think is male in the general vicinity and stop with the fucking spray tan. Fucking orange bastards.
The same thing I think about anyoine over the age of 12 wearing WWF or what ever that shit is called now. I just wonder why they don't just go the total loser route and buy some ICP crap.
I suppose that there is some distinction to be made between the swollen-knuckled, crooked nosed obvious fighters that are wearing the stuff and the pretty boy wannabes that are wearing it too. I'm not a huge fan of either group, but it's like the difference between a guitar player wearing a Fender shirt that he got thrown in with a purchase and a guy that doesn't play wearing one he bought at hot topic hoping it would help him get laid.
From my college years as a bouncer, I can tell you anyone who wears a shirt to tell you how tuff they are is a total pussy.
It screams poser / loser


Even if you do cage fight, why would you wear something like that when training?

I have a couple of londsdale and everlast vests and tees and a pair of adidas boxing boots I use when boxing but they actually serve a purpose. If everlast started making poser t shirts I wouldn't be seen dead in one.
Totally NOT hipster (see Kerouac, supra). The founder of Tapout lived nearby (prior to wrapping his Ferrari around a light pole a year or so ago in a street race), so there's a big contingency of followers in this area. All MMW wannabees. Can't go a gym in the area without seeing a bunch of these douches in Tapout shirts getting all agro on the weights. I drive by the crash site a couple of times a week and it's still getting decorated with with pictures, flowers, steroids, tipped-40's, HGH, etc.
Totally NOT hipster (see Kerouac, supra). The founder of Tapout lived nearby (prior to wrapping his Ferrari around a light pole a year or so ago in a street race), so there's a big contingency of followers in this area. All MMW wannabees. Can't go a gym in the area without seeing a bunch of these douches in Tapout shirts getting all agro on the weights. I drive by the crash site a couple of times a week and it's still getting decorated with with pictures, flowers, steroids, tipped-40's, HGH, power bars, muscle milk etc.
