Weekend Wrapup

Went inshore fishing Saturday morning. Caught a Jack Crevalle, a Blue, 2 flounder and 2 whiting. Had my backyard decluttered and some old hurricane debris cleaned out. Found 2 HUGE black racers living under my wood pile. Wife wanted to kill them but they are good snakes to have around. Fertilized. Put up chicken fencing over my busted fence so my damn dog will stop escaping and begging neighbors to pet her. Fences are expensive so I'm not sure when the real repair will happen. We got quoted $7500 after Irma and insurance came out and estimated it at $2000. Assholes.

Replacing a fence is really easy to do. You already have all of the 'hard' part done, marking where the posts go and keeping it in line. I'm probably going to have to start replacing mine this summer.
Had a gig on Sunday afternoon with one of my Broadway singer friends who wants to get his own thing together. Semi-unplugged sort of thing (me on acoustic/foot tambourine, a buddy on keys/2nd acoustic, another buddy on bass/Farmer foot drum). Went over great, mostly full house.

By the way, if you've never seen a Farmer foot drum, do yourself a favor and check it out, it's really cool.
Replacing a fence is really easy to do. You already have all of the 'hard' part done, marking where the posts go and keeping it in line. I'm probably going to have to start replacing mine this summer.
The problem is the fence line has to be moved. I have a wet boggy area behind my property that has crept towards my property line and caused several of the posts to sink and fall backward towards it. It's too mushy to just drop a new post in the same spot unfortunately. Out of my league of DIY in this case or I'd definitely just tackle it one weekend.
The problem is the fence line has to be moved. I have a wet boggy area behind my property that has crept towards my property line and caused several of the posts to sink and fall backward towards it. It's too mushy to just drop a new post in the same spot unfortunately. Out of my league of DIY in this case or I'd definitely just tackle it one weekend.

If you are only moving one line of the fence, it's not that hard, but I can see wanting to get someone else to do it.