Time to buy an amp. What?

Thanks. I'm digging it now a lot.
The 5751 sounds splendid but the gain is too low. On the normal side, only the slightest hint of overdrive is possible at max volume. It's clean all the way up. A little too clean.
The boost side never gets beyond what I'd call heavy overdrive. Never into the fuzzier stuff you hear with the 12ax7. Need to find something in between the 5751 and 12ax7. It's a bit hotter than I'd like but not bad. The stock tube sounds bad, though. I'll live with the lower gain for now. I have a good boost pedal.
Yeah, new tubes should help a bit. I got one of VHT's tube converter do-hickies and replaced the 6L6 with a Sovtek EL84, and that sounds really good to my ears. I replaced the output tubes with Sovteks as well.
Give the JJ EC803S a try. It seems to have a little less gain than their ECC83S.

Maybe this will help.

Thanks for that gain chart. I'll see what I can find but the 5751 really sounds good.
Now I gotta build a proper cabinet for my speakers.
And I think I'll make a second cab out of my old 6" champ speakers for practice. I have the original and the aftermarket Jensen. A 2x6 might be fun.
Thanks for that gain chart. I'll see what I can find but the 5751 really sounds good.
Now I gotta build a proper cabinet for my speakers.
And I think I'll make a second cab out of my old 6" champ speakers for practice. I have the original and the aftermarket Jensen. A 2x6 might be fun.
I'd say you should try picking up a JJ ECC83S Gold, then, as well as an ECC803S. The 5751 has a gain factor of 70 by spec, so about 80 and about 90 will give you two steps between that and a properly spec'd 12AX7.
That'd probably be about perfect. It was a little too dirty. Now it's a little too clean. I need the goldilocks tube. :grin:

I'm pleased how quiet this amp is, though. Being a class A, I expected a little hum. The Champ always had a fair amount but this one is very quiet at idle and the P90s don't induce any hum til you're within 12" of the head. Even with the volume cranked, it's manageable.
Tell me you're not still using that cab you built from a cardboard box!

Hell yeah! Actually, I've reinforced it quite a bit with a wood frame inside. :grin:
But now I know it works, I'll be making a decent box for it. I'm gonna copy this design more or less.

I've always liked the look of those with the rear mount speakers.
Seriously thinking about coating with spray on truck bed liner instead of using tolex, though. That stuff is indestructible.
I've always liked the look of those with the rear mount speakers.
Seriously thinking about coating with spray on truck bed liner instead of using tolex, though. That stuff is indestructible.

Not a bad idea. Much more durable and from a decent distance, you wouldn't know the difference.
I figure it doesn't look any worse than the carpet people use. :embarrassed:

This one is in black. That's how I'll do mine...to match the head.


But mine will be stacked like this...
