Dig it! The Perpetual Pedalboard of the Day Thread

Interested in a Pedalmonster Klone?

Not at this moment. I'm not adding any more until after we settle on the house and I still need a reverb first. I found out last week that I would be getting my back pay from work in time to close so the wife let me buy a few things. Had I not snagged the Mastery for my new build, I may have had some more cash :grin:
I'm interested in knowing how you use the three drives/boosters. Zendrive + RC, BB, AC. Separately, stacked, for which types of sounds, etc. Asking because I'm looking at this AC Comp, thinking it could work well with my BB mid-boost. Also got the RC and a Rumble Drive, which is supposedly rather Zen-like. I just think it sounds nice and smooth with humbuckers, so that's a big thumbs-up in my book.
I'm interested in knowing how you use the three drives/boosters. Zendrive + RC, BB, AC. Separately, stacked, for which types of sounds, etc. Asking because I'm looking at this AC Comp, thinking it could work well with my BB mid-boost. Also got the RC and a Rumble Drive, which is supposedly rather Zen-like. I just think it sounds nice and smooth with humbuckers, so that's a big thumbs-up in my book.

I use them individually as well as cascaded.

Just looking at my 3 drives, the combinations are:

1 - Zendrive
2 - BB
3 - AC

All off
1, 2
1, 3
2, 3
1, 2, 3

Each combination has a different color and sound combo. As for application, it really depends on the type of music that I am playing when using cascading 2 pedals. Turning all 3 on is overdrive hell that is great for leads the need the extra ump. The RC is just used to bump the volume level above the band. Now you can add the RC into the equations as well. As for settings, I do not max the drive. I tend to use them between 12-1 o'clock. When you begin to cascade 2 pedals, you get a lot of drive.
Nice, that sounds like a great idea. And yeah, I've come to like the sound of overdrives set to relatively low gain, and then use a boost or similar in front of them, and dial in a good sound with those two. Been using the BB with an EP in front, which works wonders for when you want that thick, singing lead tone in addition to the already great drive sound which the BB possesses.
My new small board. It's perfect. No more changes. Ever. :)
