Pine Apple Slim
Armchair Expert
This has been my set up for a month or two now. Running TPS style wet dry into the. Carr Rambler and SF Bassman/Weber Cali 15, with the Bassman taking the “wet” side(Collider & Afterneath). The Karma into the blue side of the Protein is a good all purpose cleanish tone, hit that with the FF for more dirt, or with the Protien green side for thickness and sustain. Although much of the time FF is the only dirt I need. Using the Sp Cranker more by itself for just a good hit the amp hard OD sound, but it could function as a fine lead boost as well. The Hippo usually stays on vib for a bit o wobble. The Carr takes care of basic verb and trem, while the Collider provides delays and the Afterneath for ambient weirdness.
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