Dig it! The Perpetual Pedalboard of the Day Thread

Tonight’s board:
Took this to my neighbor's Saturday night. If I were to gig, I think I could be fine with just my guitar straight into the Victory and just ride the volume knob on the guitar.

Updated our boards...again.

focus was on getting them all to fit in a line...haha. my OCD (the disorder, not the pedal) was not happy.

Also, the new EHX tuner is a piece of shit.

I've finally reached the conclusion that having the Crybaby on my pedalboard just sucks. Not only is it uncomfortable to use, but it's such a space hog. Unfortunately, removing means totally rearranging and rewiring the entire board which totally blows goats.

On the bright side, it creates room for 1 or 2 more entirely unnecessary and frivolous pedals of my choosing. So that's nice.
Re-did mine and Soo-Jin’s boards. Again.

I keep going simpler in hers. Just stuff she wants and will actually use. No crazy gain. Not many knobs or options. Sounds great.

got a lot of noise today, and the Adam saves the day. I think it’s funny she has two dudes on her board.


I gave her my frank but then had low gain envy. Just got the white sands to fill the void, and I really like it. Light and spongy.

Apparently I’ve missed the memo on Big Ear.

Last look at this mess:

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Big Ear is a very small company, now out of Nashville. They make a few awesome pedals, the Elle has been my main reverb for about a year and a half. I don't think I've ever had a pedal last as long. The Woodcutter is a very good Rat inspired pedal. The Z-Delay and Frank are now discontinued. He blew out the remaining stock of Franks a couple weeks ago, which is when @Guitar Heel and I snagged them. He has hinted there is a Frank V2 coming out. It is an awesome low gain/boost pedal.
He blew out the remaining stock of Franks a couple weeks ago, which is when @Guitar Heel and I snagged them. He has hinted there is a Frank V2 coming out. It is an awesome low gain/boost pedal.
but to be clear, LOW gain. Like, really little. Just as a caveat. Kind of shockingly low. But, adds just the right amount of sizzle for a rig that's low gain anyway, and sounds great in front of the Eternity (which is essentially a tube screamer)
but to be clear, LOW gain. Like, really little. Just as a caveat. Kind of shockingly low. But, adds just the right amount of sizzle for a rig that's low gain anyway, and sounds great in front of the Eternity (which is essentially a tube screamer)

Only if you set your amp to super clean. Crank your amp, you'll get some gain :grin: