The "How did you put together your pedalboard?" thread.

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
I'm going to move this to the appropriate forum later today but I wanted to start it here to get a little traction.

I'm a big pedal guy (in case you haven't noticed :embarrassed:) and I'm in the process of redoing one pedalboard and building a new one from scratch. I thought it might be cool to discuss the process with everyone and see how everyone else does it in terms of power supplies, pedal order, what you actually put the pedals on and whatnot.

The basics for me (with both rigs) are a Pedaltrain board in a soft case (A PT pro for the big rig and a PT 2 for the smaller one). I have a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+ supplying power for each setup. And both rigs each have a Sonic Research Turbo Tuner. I really dig the Turbo Tuner for a number of reasons but it is really most important because I can program the tuning offsets for the Buzz Feiten intonation system that both Suhrs I own have. They took a little getting used to since they are super accurate but the display can be confusing to a first time user. The ultimate would be if they came out with something more along the lines of TC Electronics Polytune. Or if the Polytune could do the Feiten offsets.

The first pedal that effects my sound in the bigger board is a Fulltone Clyde Standard wah pedal. I need it for the cover gigs but I don't have one in my smaller pedalboard since its not a sound I use for my original music or the blues gigs.

After that, the pedals go in order of gain...dirtiest pedals first and cleaner boosts later. That way I can boost a solo regardless of the amount of gain that a rhythm guitar sound has. The only exception to this is my compressor, which is right after the wah pedal. I like it earlier in the signal path although I don't use it with heavy distortion sounds.

After the pedals that affect the amount of gain or distortion or drive or whatever you want to call it we get into my time based effects. Typically I have things like chorus and Phasers first, delays next and last in the signal path is my reverb if I have one. To me that is the most natural order of pedals but the reality is that there is no correct way to order your effects...some folks have their clean boost after everything. Other folks use EQ pedals as boosts. In a little bit I'm going to post about using loops in your pedalboard and how one of my rigs is run that way and the other (so far) is not.
My original board was basic - Tuner, Wah, Tubescreamer, Overdrive, Chorus

With that said: Tuner, Wah, Gain, Time Effects.

Gain - I used to go low gain to high gain and now do the reverse, High Gain to Low Gain

Time Effects - My order is Chorus, Delay and then Reverb

So here is my current setup

Big Board: Tuner, Wah, Comp/Phase, High Gain, Mid Gain, Low or Clean Gain, Chorus, Delay - I don't use reverb on this board.

Small Board: Tuner, Comp, High Gain, Mid Gain, Low or Clean Gain, Tremolo, Delay, Reverb
I am a novice, and I looked to teh internets for information on pedal boards when I started.

First, I built my own out of plywood and velcro. It has a main board with a smaller "loft" space.

It looks a bit like this (but only a bit):

Here's the chain:

1. Arion Stage Tuner
2. BBE Orange Squash
3. Digitech Bad Monkey (sometimes swapped out for BOSS DS-1)
4. Electro-Harmonix Big Muff
5. BOSS GE-7
6. Electro-Harmonix Small Clone
7. BBE Boosta Grande
8. Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail Reverb
9. Ernie Ball VP JR

All of this is powered by a BBE SupaCharger, except for the Holy Grail Reverb that for some reason doesn't play nice with the SupaCharger. I plug it into a powerstrip.
I have some stuff I don't use, but mainly I tell Howie what I'm looking for and he points me in the right direction.

Right now I have a Mojo Hand Mule, Earth Quaker Device Hoof, Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay, and an Exotic Effects EP Booster. I will probably add a Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive at some point.
I didn't build my board big enough and so I have some excess pedals...on the other hand, I don't know what I'm doing with the ones I have so it all works out.
As I am a cheap bastard, it's when I decide that I REALLY can't live without a pedal that I end up getting one. Mostly, it's the accumulation of pedals over the last 30 years, and whatever is useful at the time goes on my board. Things do get swapped in favor of others depending on the gig, of course. [shrug] It's not rocket science, time-based stuff goes at the end. Of course, that decision is affected by what I want to go in the FX loop, but other than that it's pretty straightforward.
For a good 4-5 years, I was just using a basic Tuner >> Tube Screamer >> Blues Driver >> amp setup with the occasional wah in front.

Then I started playing with cover and original bands in a variety of different genres, and I needed to expand (compressor, fuzz, volume, lots of modulation effects, delay). I got the Pedaltrain PT-2 to cover all the bands in one big board. It looked about like this:


But then carrying around the board and amp got to be a PITA, so I got the Line 6 HD500. And then I started missing my dirt pedals, so I put them in front of it. And that's where I am right now:


But I've been working on a fair bit of writing originals with my bandmates, so I've been contemplating putting together another board for that. We'll see.
For a good 4-5 years, I was just using a basic Tuner >> Tube Screamer >> Blues Driver >> amp setup with the occasional wah in front.

Then I started playing with cover and original bands in a variety of different genres, and I needed to expand (compressor, fuzz, volume, lots of modulation effects, delay). I got the Pedaltrain PT-2 to cover all the bands in one big board. It looked about like this:


But then carrying around the board and amp got to be a PITA, so I got the Line 6 HD500. And then I started missing my dirt pedals, so I put them in front of it. And that's where I am right now:


But I've been working on a fair bit of writing originals with my bandmates, so I've been contemplating putting together another board for that. We'll see.

Whats funny is that while I'm not getting the HD500 I just ordered an M9 for my cover band rig, I'm keeping my dirt and boost pedals in front of it though.
Whats funny is that while I'm not getting the HD500 I just ordered an M9 for my cover band rig, I'm keeping my dirt and boost pedals in front of it though.

That's a good idea. Line 6 has some good-sounding dirt, too. But once you get used to that sound that certain dirt pedal give you, there's no getting away from it.
Yeah...I don't want to change that part of my sound for those gigs (although the Barber UnLTD I got last night might even end up replacing my Plexitone :embarrassed:) but for the time based stuff I think it will simplify life and sound good enough.
I'll have to play with it some more today and maybe compare the two pedals. They are kind of apples and oranges but the Plexitone doesn't work as well with my Badger 30 as I'd like.
I bought a basic SKB board with a case off of eBay about 6 years ago an that has worked since then as my platform. The pedals themselves have been dictated by the need of the band I was in. I have always had tuner -> OD -> delay. Everything else was changed around based on the band. I tried using a compressor for awhile, especially with the country band, but it just didn't seem to work for me. The problem seemed to be that I needed better compressor pedals though. But since I was about 2/3 acoustic and played zero leads with the country band a simple setup worked well.

When I moved to the rock band that was no longer true. I needed a lead boost and at least three flavors of OD/Dist. I also got a chorus pedal for some modulation based sounds but I have found that I very rarely use the chorus pedal. I guess we need to add more 80s stuff. I'm thinking a phaser would get more usage. Budget also plays a big role in my pedal choices since the music budget is really tight right now. Actually the past two months have been very good in that respect. Another three or four more months like that and I could completely redo the pedal board with upgraded stuff - but for now it gets the job done. Boss stuff sounds good (not great) and is very bulletproof - they almost never break.

So right now my pedal board looks like this...

Boss Tuner -> Boss OD-20 (programmable OD/Dist pedal) -> EHX LPB-1 (Lead Boost) -> EHX Neo Clone (Chorus) - >Boss DD-3

I am thinking of adding a phaser or flanger, and an EQ pedal to boost the signal when I play my SC guitar.
I get a lot of mileage from my 1974 Phase 90 and chorus. For a cover gig I'm (as I mentioned above) amd going to a line 6 product for a lot of that stuff though just to simplify things.
My board is a LYT32 pedalboard. I mounted a powerstrip to the backside of the pedalboard with the outlets facing in, so that all the power supplies live under the tiered section. One of my pedals takes 120v AC. Most of the others are powered from a one-spot. My EH Holy Grail gets its own PS because it buzzes like crazy on the one-spot.

Pedals are constantly revolving. There are a few that are constants, but most are subject to change-out depending on what I'm working on, or if I get a new toy. The signal flow goes from right to left bottom row, then right to left top tier. Currently on the board, in order:
Boss TU2 tuner > SIB Varidrive (tube driven OD) > SIB Nick Nitro (fuzzface/octavia clone) > Analogman modded '78 MXR Dist. + > HBE Germania top boost > script logo MXR Phase90 > Fulltone Supa-Trem > Boss DM3 analog delay > TC NovaDelay > EH Holy Grail
That's a good idea. Line 6 has some good-sounding dirt, too. But once you get used to that sound that certain dirt pedal give you, there's no getting away from it.

While I use my Line 6 to record with, I don't like the live dynamic of it so I stick with pedals and love the ones that respond my playing style.