That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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So my 5-way guitar shootout just turned into a 6-way. Heh heh. Still waiting on two of the contestants. One arrives tomorrow, and the other...who knows. Probably next week the way it's going. We may have a shocking upset in the works.

Oh, and :helper:
I'm an electrician... I can tell you that getting a 240V shock across two buss bars on your knuckles is upsetting... Nothing like the time I got launched across the room when I was 16, making adjustments to a tube amateur radio transmitter... 350V on that one... Fortunately, it had no lllllllllllllllllllong ttttttttttttttterm effffffffffects.....
All of our machines here at work from China are 240, and i have to work on them all the time. I'm super lucky i haven't been blasted yet.
I was teaching a guy how to change batteries on a power chair once. First thing I told him was to make sure the wrench does not touch both terminals at once.
I liked that wrench, too. It was a nice one. Welded that bitch right on to those terminals. Luckily there was a hammer nearby.

Same here, although those cheapass Craftsman hex wrenches have not held up well.
Need to find some more SK brand. I bought an sae set of those maybe ten years ago and they're still going strong.

I just keep buying and selling guitars so that I forget I can't play them. :)

Shari's forcing me to learn a song every time I sell a guitar, which is pretty clever, actually.
HAHA! That was my first riff ever. Pretty sure she knows I know that one. Currently learning Icky Thump. Not a master's level course, but it's a pretty neat riff with some cool stuff going on.
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