That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I MAY have a tele PG with a P-90 route. Would that work for a mini? I know it works one way, but not the other, and I can't remember which way that is. Anyway, if it would, I'll check when I get home tonight to see if it does, in fact, exist.
I MAY have a tele PG with a P-90 route. Would that work for a mini? I know it works one way, but not the other, and I can't remember which way that is. Anyway, if it would, I'll check when I get home tonight to see if it does, in fact, exist.

It would work with a mounting ring, i think.
Heel, what do you think about working with Al again? He's willing to cut some more parts for me for wood barter.
Wouldn't be risking anything but my pride again. :lol:

He says it's done, and that he's going to ship it Monday. Said he was in FL all this week for the holidays, then back to Alabam...

Yep, CC pickup, and I think the leopard pickguard from guitarfetish (since we couldn't get the Hohner material). REALLY wanted the Hohner stuff.
Ooh, leopard! That should be wicked.

He showed me a pic of his own tele design. Basically standard, but with an SG style bevel around the forearm area. Rear routed controls, too. He says he can cut it for the Teisco gold foil for the neck pup.

Got that clear sprayed last night finally, too. Yay.
That SE was cursed, I think but I'm hoping I beat the evil spirits out by now. Sheez.

No more guitar stuff for me outside of maintenance stuff. I just paid my credit card bills. I got some great deals in December. I'm paying for them now. That means I just cancelled my order for a J. Mascis Jazzmaster. No biggie. I'd rather hold out for a Classic Player anyway.
Yeah, I hear ya PK. I just went through a HUGE purge/binge to end the year, so I'm really hoping that my GAS calms down for a while. My wife told me that, after the new year, every time I list something on eBay, I have to learn a new song. She's a clever one.
Kelly, the ONLY place I found a Tele pickguard cut for a mini was at GFS. A P90 cut out will work. But you will need a mounting ring. Also, most Teles that I've seen are routed for single coils or humbuckers. Not P90s. A P90 is wider than a humbucker. A mini humbucker will work in a HB rout.
This past month I bought 7 guitars and an amp. Plus I bought a couple of sets of pickups and a few effects. Needless to say, I went a bit overboard with gear purchases. Nothing is going back. But enough is enough.
Kelly, the ONLY place I found a Tele pickguard cut for a mini was at GFS. A P90 cut out will work. But you will need a mounting ring. Also, most Teles that I've seen are routed for single coils or humbuckers. Not P90s. A P90 is wider than a humbucker. A mini humbucker will work in a HB rout.
good thing it's my customized telecaster with superwide routing! :grin: the route is 1 9/16 by 3 1/2, i think it'll fit. :cool:
This past month I bought 7 guitars and an amp. Plus I bought a couple of sets of pickups and a few effects. Needless to say, I went a bit overboard with gear purchases. Nothing is going back. But enough is enough.

We're at about the same clip. I just sold half of my guitars and half of my amps. Just bought a bunch of guitars with the cash. I've got like 5 incoming next week. :bfp: I won't be keeping all of them, so we'll just see how it shakes out. Let's just say that I'll be learning at least two new songs in January.
Yeah, I hear ya PK. I just went through a HUGE purge/binge to end the year, so I'm really hoping that my GAS calms down for a while. My wife told me that, after the new year, every time I list something on eBay, I have to learn a new song. She's a clever one.

Smoke On The Water
Suzy Q
Highway To Hell

That should take like twenty minutes or so. :grin:

Yeah, don't think I won't be youtubing "easiest songs to learn on guitar" pretty often. I already know the first, but she probably doesn't know that. :wink:
This is Al's tele design.

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