That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Yep. We waited over an hour at midnight for my kid to get his game boy.

After that, I've been avoiding retail districts altogether. Sheez.

Well, two days down with no beer, 28 to go... I thought I might not sleep that well, but I was wrong... I slept 11 hours last night... Who needs beer to sleep, when you have an exhausting 5 year old special needs kid to wear you out each day...
Just think of the money you'll save.


Absolutely... And, my wife took up the habit over the years to the point of being worse than me... I have decided to set an example... So far, she has joined me, and has had none in the last two days... She was going to give in, so I pointed out that her dad was an alcoholic, and before she started drinking, she weighed a lot less...
Mrs G won't hardly touch the stuff for that reason alone. Amazing how many colries in booze.
I guess that's why a good stout beer was considered part of the meal back in the day.

Really mellow, jazz like, trance music, I guess... A far cry from anything like when he was with Testament... Yo would never know this guy was a metal guitarist...
Speaking of Sunday mass, I'm listening to some Testament right now... Old Testament... Might check out some new stuff after this...
I was never a big fan of Testicle (as I called them), something just never clicked for me.

though that cover they did of Iron Maiden's Fear of the Dark was pretty good.
Yea, I didn't pay much attention to them back in the day... The nice thing about Spotify is all the stuff I can listen to once in a while without going broke...
New grill cloth, er, um, CANE day!


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