Well, two days down with no beer, 28 to go... I thought I might not sleep that well, but I was wrong... I slept 11 hours last night... Who needs beer to sleep, when you have an exhausting 5 year old special needs kid to wear you out each day...
Absolutely... And, my wife took up the habit over the years to the point of being worse than me... I have decided to set an example... So far, she has joined me, and has had none in the last two days... She was going to give in, so I pointed out that her dad was an alcoholic, and before she started drinking, she weighed a lot less...
Mrs G won't hardly touch the stuff for that reason alone. Amazing how many colries in booze.
I guess that's why a good stout beer was considered part of the meal back in the day.
Really mellow, jazz like, trance music, I guess... A far cry from anything like when he was with Testament... Yo would never know this guy was a metal guitarist...
Yea, I didn't pay much attention to them back in the day... The nice thing about Spotify is all the stuff I can listen to once in a while without going broke...