That’s what I imagine [forumite] looks like

DbBob's dog:



rsadasiv's dog

you guys leave my dog Sonny out of this....he is just a pup and it's almost his Birthday in April, a mere 2 years old, poor guy doesn't deserve to be seen in a Cubs hat or a Douchebacks hat *spits* Giants fan he is !
you guys leave my dog Sonny out of this....he is just a pup and it's almost his Birthday in April, a mere 2 years old, poor guy doesn't deserve to be seen in a Cubs hat or a Douchebacks hat *spits* Giants fan he is !

Sonny roots for the Dodgers.
It's a guy in a climbing harnes inside a corn silo :wink: *edit* with a John Deer ball cap!

I understand all too well what is going on. Drying corn, voids can form. Step on it, corn on top collapses, you go in, suffocate. Just don't understand what is in the grain bin.