Swanson TV Dinners


spaghetti and blankets
Are you old enough to have had/remember the ones in the foil tray?

Did you have a favorite one?
Salisbury Steak
"It's the next best thing to yooooour good cooking..."

I vaguely remember those... mostly the turkey and the Salisbury steak. By the time I was old enough to live out on my own, microwaves had taken over, so my lazy bachelor nights were things like Stouffer's lasagna or that two-bag thing for Swedish meatballs.
It was a rare occasion to have them, but yeah. I remember the foil trays.

Turkey was probably my favourite.

I HATED the Salisbury steak for two reasons:
- mushrooms
-the first one I ever had had a hunk of cartilage in it.

The gravy in the beef one - to me - had a funky taste.

I don't recall ever trying the chicken one.
Foil trays were replaced with plastic in 1986 so I'm pretty sure everyone is old enough to remember them. Yes, I googled it because I personally don't remember the foil tray but that is likely because we didn't eat them or ate a different brand.
No matter the brand the Salisbury steak is always repulsive to me. It may even taste good but I'm not willing to try it.
Yep - I remember them. Salisbury steak and Turkey were the preferred meals.
At some point, the Salisbury steak suddenly became inedible to me, but I can't remember exactly why. Perhaps mental blocks are a good thing.

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Yes I remember them but my mom wouldn't have such a thing in her house. We had a huge garden and grew our own beef. By the time I was living on my own they had pretty much went away. The replacements aren't any better, just microwaveable so you dont have to wait so long for your crappola.
The salisbury steak was my favorite. While I wasn't the one heating them up in the oven, I do remember the foil tray.
Speaking of the tray, I also remember my introduction to the microwave oven. A kid up the street re-heated his burrito in a minute and a half. I was amazed.
Yes, of course. Salisbury steak and Turkey were the go-to. The beef was horrible. Later on, the chicken was the only palatable option.
The salisbury steak was my favorite. While I wasn't the one heating them up in the oven, I do remember the foil tray.
Speaking of the tray, I also remember my introduction to the microwave oven. A kid up the street re-heated his burrito in a minute and a half. I was amazed.
I think our first microwave oven was the Amana Radarange.

I had them a handful of times growing up.
Was a fan of the turkey dinner since we only really had turkey on holidays like thanksgiving so it was nice to have something like that off holiday.
We had those on rare occasion. They were the pre microwave versions that you had to put in the oven. We’ve only had the Salisbury steak.
I think we only had those when Mom was away and Dad was in charge.
I remember digging the turkey one.
While cleaning out the mom-in-law's house a month ago, my wife found a bunch of the metal Banquet TV dinner trays.
I don't think I ever ate a Swanson...I do keep a few Stoufer's meat loaf and beef macaroni dinners in the freezer...
I enjoyed them as a kid. It makes me sick to think that every one I consumed enriched Tucker Carlson a bit.