Question: Squire Affinity Tele,are they worth the $?


Um, for $200.00 I might bite.
Listed as a MiM.
The only bitch is my kid just hit me up for $150.00 It came outta my GAS money.
I've got a butterscotch Affinity Tele I'd be willing to let go. I just have too many other choices in my collection. I was pleased that the one I got has nice matching grain lines. But I've also got a Fender '52 RI. This one was going to be a projects guitar to convert it more into an "every day player" but I just never got around to it. All I've done so far is just swap out the stock strings to some EJ strings. I brought the guitar from too wispy twangy to a bit too dull. So next time I'd go with round wound nickel plated 10-46 for a compromise position in tone.

