no problem, I don't mind. Usually it's always the blend door (or temperature door...pepsi/coke) motor but could also be a broken blend door, electrical or the head unit/hvac module i.e. thingy in the dash with the knobs.... most likely the motor though because that's almost always the problem (they just stop working or the gears strip although usually a ticking noise is heard...
.you have a temp motor , the mode motor for face;floor'defrost and then the recirculation one. The temperature door one is located on the drivers side up and to the right of the gas pedal. Either turn the knob yourself and watch it to see if it's moving or have someone turn the knob while you watch. You'll prtobably have to contort yourself to see it but perhaps not...also might havce an air duct or something partly obscuring it. I've never done one on a Colorado but it should be the same as the full size and cars. The second most likely cause would be broken temp door.