so what do we think of those doorbell cameras ?

We have cameras out the front and back but not a door bell camera. It's peace of mind incase we ever need to use them.

My brother lives in a nice estate and their houses get tried fairly regularly. If it wasn't for his doorbell camera a while back he'd have challenged someone at the front door at 3am without realising there were another two armed cronies at the back.

He's helped identify known burglars / conmen casing the estate too
We have cameras out the front and back but not a door bell camera. It's peace of mind incase we ever need to use them.

My brother lives in a nice estate and their houses get tried fairly regularly. If it wasn't for his doorbell camera a while back he'd have challenged someone at the front door at 3am without realising there were another two armed cronies at the back.

He's helped identify known burglars / conmen casing the estate too
I know from reading Nextdoor not to open the door at night (or anytime somene is banging frantically on it). At least here whether it's a scam or just a crazy person there have been a few people report someone was banging on the door late at night and when they opened it the woman was naked (I mean hey that would be cool AND reason to open a door :embarrassed:) but she was obviously high on something and telling the people her boyfriend was after her and to let her inside, etc a couple variations on the routine I've seen as well.
I really should set something up at the detached studio/pool house to help protect my gear. I have very secure doors and locks but it could still be broken into and I wouldn't hear anything late at night.
Otherwise, Im usually home most of the time. Not much really worth stealing in the main house other than a couple of cheap Walmart TVs and my couch guitar.
I live in a developing rural area and my neighbors keep an eye out if I go away for multiple days.
In 13 years theres only been one instance of burglary, about 3 yrs ago the neighbor across the street had her shed broken into while she was on vacation and they stole a compressor, a weedeater, and a few other tools. The shed was at the back of her yard near the woods so not real visible to neighbors. The local nosey FB group was all over it and the suspects were identified pretty quickly. The compressor was found hidden in the woods nearby a couple of weeks later and one of the "suspects" went to jail soon after on some other charges related to drugs/probation. Nothing happening at all since Covid, I think most people are home a lot more. Nobody in their right mind wants to rob somebody here in Redneckistan if theres any chance they might actually be confronted.
I like 'em.

I wish I had held out for a Ring for some of the features, but I like the Geenie for the quality.
Even more, I wish my security company had a good, reasonably priced solution so that I could integrate it all together easier than what I have.
Ours works great. I bought a wedge adapter that let me get the correct angle and I can see if anyone is trying hide anywhere on the front porch. Even if they are flat against the house. We use an additional app too and can instantly talk to someone at the door up to about 50 feet away.
I have Wyze doorbells on my doors. They work well enough. I bought them because there have been problems with one of the houses across the street from mine. There were 2 shooting incidents alone. It's quiet this year though. I think the kid that was living there is either in the army or prison. I know he graduated high school, so I'm hoping it's the army. There are also porch pirates in my neighborhood. If I can get a clip I can turn it over to the police.
We got cameras for the last house. We lived in the city and petty crime was a pretty big issue. Now we live in the country, 30 minutes from the last house, and don’t need to lock our doors.
We got cameras for the last house. We lived in the city and petty crime was a pretty big issue. Now we live in the country, 30 minutes from the last house, and don’t need to lock our doors.

I think the porch cams or whatever you want to call them are really just a false szense of security which is kinda why I made the thread. As I mentioned I;m pretty sure the response from police is way down the list for "i got a video of a suspicious person at my door" calls. As far as it being a deterrent it is probably even lower as most pirates or others won't even care IF they even notice it and then there is the fact they will still take or do whatever.

Those country home/small tiny hamlets you see across the wesrt miles and miles from any nearby town always creep me out and i've always thought IF there were ever a place to own a gun this would be it because you're gonna be waiting a long long long time before a Sheriff is ever sent out if at all.

We have one. It has been very useful. As Baimun said, it is part of a system, not just a stand alone thing. If I only had the doorbell though, it would still be a great tool.
In what way is it a false sense of security? Mine alerts when someone enters my yard. If they have ill intent I have more time to react than if I didn't have it and suddenly my door was kicked in.
We have one. It has been very useful. As Baimun said, it is part of a system, not just a stand alone thing. If I only had the doorbell though, it would still be a great tool.
In what way is it a false sense of security? Mine alerts when someone enters my yard. If they have ill intent I have more time to react than if I didn't have it and suddenly my door was kicked in.
Honestly when is the last time you heard of anyones door getting kicked in other than a drug or crime orginization related incident ?
It gives a false sense of security because it will only provide proof after a crime is commited and then only what it captures in it's narrow view range.
If they want in with intent to do ill harm then they will get in and be gone before anyone arrives. As i already noted the alerts will not do anything other than to cause you paranoia. technology can be a good thing but many times it just complicates our lives...
if someone comes onto your porch looking suspicious (when you're not home and you only see it on your camera) what is the outcome? Are you gonna be anxiety ridden if you're away, in the future...another source of worry? Do you honestly think they will come back (the answer is no if they are porch pirates) If they are casing your place then they will come up as a survey or a 'business " offering something or some other scam.

It's very similar to car alarms back in the day. Nobody paid attention or the theif just triggered it multiple times till the owner shut it off and then took the car...false sense of security. I guess you could say it is a retro active device if anything.
Honestly when is the last time you heard of anyones door getting kicked in other than a drug or crime orginization related incident ?
It gives a false sense of security because it will only provide proof after a crime is commited and then only what it captures in it's narrow view range.
If they want in with intent to do ill harm then they will get in and be gone before anyone arrives. As i already noted the alerts will not do anything other than to cause you paranoia. technology can be a good thing but many times it just complicates our lives...
if someone comes onto your porch looking suspicious (when you're not home and you only see it on your camera) what is the outcome? Are you gonna be anxiety ridden if you're away, in the future...another source of worry? Do you honestly think they will come back (the answer is no if they are porch pirates) If they are casing your place then they will come up as a survey or a 'business " offering something or some other scam.

It's very similar to car alarms back in the day. Nobody paid attention or the theif just triggered it multiple times till the owner shut it off and then took the car...false sense of security. I guess you could say it is a retro active device if anything.

That whole post ignores the reality of what these various security measures are intended to accomplish. None of them are intended to be absolute means of preventing all criminals or attempts. In many of these cases you're looking to provide a deterrent that'll cause a thief to look for a lower risk/easier target or motivate them to change plans and abandon their attempt when they discover the camera/alarm/etc.
That whole post ignores the reality of what these various security measures are intended to accomplish. None of them are intended to be absolute means of preventing all criminals or attempts. In many of these cases you're looking to provide a deterrent that'll cause a thief to look for a lower risk/easier target or motivate them to change plans and abandon their attempt when they discover the camera/alarm/etc.

That is true but to use the car alarm example again it gets to a point where a deterrent fails to deter because of over saturation. Have you ever thought when hearing a car alarm “oh, better call the cops a car theft is in progress” ? With so many “Ring” cameras out now I think it’s the same. The criminals know it’s not effective.
A good example of a good deterrent is a time stopper like bars on windows…or something even like the security signs you place in your yard because they might think their is an actual alarm on the house…one of those super loud ear damaging ones

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That is true but to use the car alarm example again it gets to a point where a deterrent fails to deter because of over saturation. Have you ever thought when hearing a car alarm “oh, better call the cops a car theft is in progress” ? With so many “Ring” cameras out now I think it’s the same. The criminals know it’s not effective.
A good example of a good deterrent is a time stopper like bars on windows…or something even like the security signs you place in your yard because they might think their is an actual alarm on the house…one of those super loud ear damaging ones

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Sure. I can cite you examples were I've seen car alarms deter theft. Example: Someone tried to swipe a neighbors cat last fall and their car alarm went off when they started jacking up the car. They pulled their jack and moved on to another neighbor's car that didn't have an alarm. I confronted them trying to steal that one and a third neighbor happened to catch it all on his home security camera.

But what no one can cite is the number of attempts where the thief moved on because they discovered the security device.
That whole post ignores the reality of what these various security measures are intended to accomplish. None of them are intended to be absolute means of preventing all criminals or attempts. In many of these cases you're looking to provide a deterrent that'll cause a thief to look for a lower risk/easier target or motivate them to change plans and abandon their attempt when they discover the camera/alarm/etc.
Hell, even just having a sign from a security company stuck in the garden is a level of deterrent.
We had an extra sign and we stuck in my mother-in-law's front garden. People poking around the garden shed in the back yard stopped.

I'm not saying it replaces any technology though.

If anything does happen, it's always good to have some sort of evidence. The police always enjoyed the fact that I could provide video of someone that tried to get into our garage or video of the guy that dropped a stolen bike on my front lawn - after being chased from a neighbour's yard.
I guess I understand if you live in a high crime area but, there is just something about them that rubs me the wrong way. Every time I ring one, I'm trying really hard to not roll my eyes, in case they see me.

I don't know, maybe it's just the commercials for them.
I only have a loud barking dog for security which only works when we are here (and when the dog gets older she is likely to sleep more than bark :shrug:). We have thought about getting one but never have. I did think it was cool when one of our friends went to drop something off at another friend's place and the husband answered the door, from London England :grin: