So it finally happened. We got the bumped!


Dyslexic b00n
We've been playing out on a regular basis. A new place not far from me opened up about 5 weeks ago. A restaurant bar that wasn't designed for a music venue. When they opened I approached them and we got a Thursday night gig and gave them half the price for a normal gig (First time gig we always charge half the price as a partner approach). We were the second ones ever to play there. He has had a few other people since.

After the gig the owner wanted us back that weekend - we couldn't due to other obligations and after checking calendars the first time we could get back was May 10. We promoted through FB.

Got a text the other day that he had to cancel the May 10 gig. No problem. I didn't ask why. Said I would catch up with him.

Saw on FB and his website that he now has another duo in place of us for May 10. They have never played there before. :thwap:

Other guy I play with is "Eff him and that place - we won't go back"

Do we go back? Do we not?

It's not like we are starving for gigs.

Yeah they sound like pricks.

Let us know what the place is and we'll all roast them on Yelp. :evil:

Unless half the other duo is his brother-in-law (or something of that ilk), I'd go with Mark's option. Just politely decline any further engagements there. He'll know why. You don't have to be a prick about it (don't need a reputation in case there's some cabal of club owners), but you also don't have to crawl.
Do you NOT need the gig? Walk away...

I'd at least hear him out. If there is a good reason (like the duo is family, or his kid's favorite act) then let it go, if it was a 'they were cheaper' then never look back.
HALF PRICE on the first show?

Sorry... but no thank you. If it was YOUR BAND's first couple shows maybe.... Occasionally I'll knock $100 off the price as long as beer is provided for the band....

.... but once your band has an established track record of "we play here, here, there, there, and this place...." your price is your price. Once a venue has "your price" in their head, it's VERY hard to come back later and double that price.

Our price is pretty well determined by venue size, how much gear we need to bring, and if it's a band load in or if we need one (or sometimes two) sound and/or lighting guys.