show me what is, to YOU, the ugliest guitar you have ever seen


check this thing out.


did they get that off the front of an old boat?

Look at the bottom of the guitar. Where the fang like things hand down, focus on the middle, it looks like the outline of a cartoon bear.

If you just focus on the bear's ears, they look like Bullwinkle the cartoon moose's horns.
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In case you haven't seen the Alabama Jammer yet...

Oh, and it's a Gibson. That's really fucked up.
that's what it looks like.
but wouldn't you need a converter?
I guess you could build one into a pedal, eh?
Is that a Zachary? Ugliness increases tenfold if you include the headstock. As it is I just consider it odd.
As in this? :eek:

let's forget about the way the headstock looks for a moment and talk about the massive design failure. you've got two tuners that go the opposite direction of the other 4. and you've got 3 string guides when you could just have a bar guide. it's poor design.
let's forget about the way the headstock looks for a moment and talk about the massive design failure. you've got two tuners that go the opposite direction of the other 4. and you've got 3 string guides when you could just have a bar guide. it's poor design.

Agree. Serious fail in so many levels. Plus, every time you tune, you have to think backwards for those two tuners.
All of his guitars feature this design.

if it weren't for that tuner thing, I'd kinda like those headstocks.
mostly cuz they're goofy, of course.

but I'd keep thinking I was playing a Zildjian :wink: