It's the middle of January, I live in a cold climate, but I still see squirrels running around all the time. What gives?
*Acknowledges that question could probably be answered by google or wikipedia*
I'm not sure they hibernate through the winter. I think they may chill at home during the coldest weather, but I think they're active at different periods during the season.
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Tree squirrels don't hibernate, but ground squirrels do. I done learnt that from the googlenet.
Anyway, if they have a really warm nest (like in someone's attic), they can probably run around outside for awhile even on the shittiest of days.
What are ground squirrels exactly? Like chipmunks? I guess I haven't seen any of those lately, so your explanation would make sense.
I want to be a squirrel, looks a great job.
Alright, sir, thanks for applying. We just have a few questions. First off -- what's your experience with four-wheeled, rubber-tired death wagons?
I'm more than a little worried that they're gearing up for an invasion.