Rob Chapman Vs Scott Grove

Chappers is a good bloke.

Scott Grove appears to be less so judging by the quoted video and comments on the Chappers one...
I thought Scott Grove was a pretty cool guy when I saw his videos about the MIJ Contemporary Fenders wherein he said they were the greatest guitars ever.

Then, I saw another video of his claiming the same thing about the Peavey T60.

Then I saw another video of his claiming the same thing about some other guitar.

Then another about a different guitar.

Then another.

And another.

Then 5 or 6 more.

I began to doubt his sincerity after the 25th video about the greatest guitars ever.

Fickle little bitch.

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I watched part of that video and parts of a few others. This guy has to be trolling. He says guitars without graphite necks, locking tuners, roller nuts, and roller bridges 'are fucking retarded and for idiots', yet his guitar collection on the wall behind him seems to lack those features on pretty much every damn guitar. My favorite is how he praises graphite necks as state of the art, yet in another video he is standing in front of a maple neck Korean Steinberger. He rants about vintage instrument collectors while sitting in front of a bunch of lawsuit ibanez guitars and a early 70's strat? So, that advice he dispenses is just for everyone else but him? Please.
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