Rob Chapman Vs Scott Grove


Anybody else been watching this?

The battle is in the comments section and it makes for some funny reading
If you don't trust me by now, that's fine. Fuck y'all. [maniacal laughter] Cause I don't care. I'm here to try to help. If you don't realize that, then honestly fuck you, I couldn't give a rat's ass.

Seriously, I love this guy.
Grove is rather grating.
He showed up posting at HC recently after a bunch of threads appeared about him. Makes you wonder if he googles himself a lot...
They didn't really prove anything about tonewoods in that video though. I can pick up a guitar and play a chord, and Joe Shmoe could pick up the same guitar and play the same chord and have it sound different. Two people playing the same chord are going to show variances in pickup attack, fretboard pressure, and strumming technique. For it to be an objective test you would have to use the same electronics, played by the same person, on a two guitars that were as close to identical as humanly possible.
Alex W are you really Scott Grove?

I just think if you are gonna try and prove something through an experiment, you should maybe think it out a little and make an attempt to follow the scientific method. Or it's just a waste of an 11 minute video.
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I just think if you are gonna try and prove something through an experiment, you should maybe think it out a little and make an attempt to follow the scientific method. Or it's just a waste of an 11 minute video.
I totally agree with you, was only making a joke

Grove strikes me as the kind of simpleton who equates having a firm opinion and the desire to aggressively defend that position with intelligent, informed content. He is the internet equivalent of a nutter on the street corner shouting about CIA radiation rays at disinterested passersby.

He is probably a much better guitar player than I am, and he probably knows more about guitars as well, but I still think he is dim.
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Chappers seems like a totally nice fellow. I gather from his hostile response and video, this other guy is seeking attention?