Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

My week has flown by. New job involves a lot of learning and acquiring new information, so I am going to need to have a few REFRESHING LAGER BEERS to give my brain a bit of a rest :embarrassed:
Ooh just when I was wondering what to do with my lady friend for dinner - burrittos and refreshing lager beers :thu:

My initial offer on the house has been resoundly knocked back. I shall return with a marginally less derisory offer at some point :embarrassed:

With that being said, I worry I have a stalker. Every property I go to there's always "someone just been" or coming to view it too. They must think you're daft :grin:
mrs_huge and I went to see these guys last night:

We had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, the only real disappointing part being that I seem to have left such photography skills as I have mostly at home. :(
It is the first time that I ever been to see any kind of a 'tribute' band so I'm no expert, but I reckon that tribute gigs probably don't come much tougher than playing in the back yard of a band who made so much of their local roots, in a venue that is part-owned by the real Noddy Holder (and don't you forget it! - photos everywhere), opening up early in the evening to perhaps 150 people in a 700-capacity club. It must have felt a bit like playing in a graveyard at first, but the crowd thawed quite a bit towards the end of the 45-minute set. Even yours truly had a little wobble, which is as close as I ever get to dancing (too stupidly self-conscious, not too 'cool'). If I have to criticise: mrs_huge said that 'Dave Hill's wig was insufficiently be-glittered :)

... and jonPhillips seems as sound a bloke in real life as he does on here. :thu:
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Morning Outraged French People wave0

Bloody Mondays. I want to go home. Was it a full moon last night? Took me what seemed like hours to fall asleep.
Morning, Tesco food wasters. wave0

That was a pretty decent weekend, I have to say. Got a lot done. As for feckin Monday, though...
Course now you'll be signing on and using the tax money of the ordinary, decent hard working people of this country t
Eh? They have me visiting a shop for two days. Lets say I will be happy when I go back to my office on wednesday :embarrassed:

Oh, thought you had quit and was about to become a layabout immigrant burden on the hard working, honest, down to earth, hard working, salt of the earth, honest, hard working British taxpayer again :embarrassed:
Good Morning still outraged Frenchies.

Isnt it obvious that the USA is spying on us? Isnt it fairly obvious that everyone is spying on everyone?
Good moaning :embarrassed:

It appears this week has 2 Mondays.
Some godawful wintery things falling from the sky today, guess it's that time again..:embarrassed:
Morning, people who like to post videos of beheadings on Facebook. wave0

I noticed that two-Mondays-in-a-row fuck up, Dexter. Who's responsible for that, anyway? Acadia, probably.