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morning dementia testers :Wave:

last week in our rented house, will get the keys to our new house on friday :thu:

I thought youd moved in weeks ago.

On a rather sad note I feel I must tell you that my next car may very well be an Opel (Vauxhall for you UK types) Meriva. Possibly the ugliest car ever made.

Its the cheapest second hand diesel I've found so far though with a relatively low mileage. Its ok inside, in fact it has quite a lot of extras but the outside looks like a box.
Morning over reacting weather watchers. Went to a Bavarian beer keller on Friday. Drank far too many steins and way too much schnaps, only just recovered. Bloody Germans!! :embarrassed:
I agree. Mullet wearing, leather trouser sporting, fisting porn making weirdos.

Interesting German Facts #4951
You know a 'stein' of beer? Well, my wife (a German) has hold me many times in the past that a Stein (stone) can't be ordered in Germany because no one would know what you were talking about. Its an English language thing.
Afternoon all

Anyone else posting from their sick bed?

Not taken a day off of work in years and this is my 2nd since the start of the year. Bloody germ infested school kids.

Been fighting a horrible head cold since Thursday. Thought Saturday was the peak of it but clearly spending the afternoon at my nephew's birthday surrounded by germ infested toddler soft play wasn't the brightest of ideas and it's come back with a vengeance.

On the upside, I've managed to get quite a bit of house work done and it's taken my mind off of being ill. Bad news is as soon as I've stopped I'm back to feeling crappy so my choice seems to be doing more house work or sitting around feeling rubbish :(
Morning fake war footage makers

My wifes car had the driver side door scraped badly months ago by some fuckwit that couldn't judge distances. Due to both insurance companies arguing about who should pay it was only repaired about there weeks ago.

I was driving it yesterday as my car is on its last legs and we're looking for a replacement.

Anyhoo, there I was, driving home from work, listening to the radio and just driving down a straight road.

Little did I know that an old lady was planning an ambush. I saw her car waiting on a side street to pull out. I didn't think anything of it because its a usual sight, I go past, she pulls out.

However she had a better plan, she waited until I was going past and then just drove forward, straight into the newly repaired door.


I was hit quite hard too. Looking back I think I could probably have swerved like Starsky and Hutch and avoided the contact but you just don't expect it. Anyway I got out and went over with my shrugged shoulders and a loon that said 'WTF are you doing'?

I then realized she was about 75 and so instantly calmed down. She admitted responsibility and said ' I didn't see you as I was looking the other way'. No shit.

Anyway I took a few photos and a witness gave me his details and said (and I agreed) that no police were needed as the crash was so obviously her fault. We swopped insurance details and of I went home with my car all fucked on one side.

Still, no one hurt. Bloody annoying though.
Morning all :Wave:

Cars. :mad: Nothing but trouble.
The car that we bought just before Christmas is up for an MOT test today. Daumen drücken!
Do you think that if I do get that Opel Meriva that I should spray 'Pussy Wagon' on the side?

Its like the one below, only the color is 'Pomegranit'

Morning all. :Wave:

Car mojo to all, mine is definitely on its last legs. Electrical bits starting to pack up and there's now some weird vibration from the steering started this morning. Need something to replace it in the next week or two at most.

Do you think that if I do get that Opel Meriva that I should spray 'Pussy Wagon' on the side?


Depends on how someone reads the term 'Pussy Wagon' really. :wink:
Morning all. :Wave:

Car mojo to all, mine is definitely on its last legs. Electrical bits starting to pack up and there's now some weird vibration from the steering started this morning. Need something to replace it in the next week or two at most.


Depends on how someone reads the term 'Pussy Wagon' really. :wink:

beat me to it :embarrassed:
Car mojo.

Touch wood I've still got a good few years left on my estate. I hate when they get to the point that you're just throwing money at them.

Another day off work. 1st time I've ever took 2 days in a row off since starting gainful employment in 2007 :shrug: Splitting head ache has gone which is a bonus.

On the flipside deciding to use my time off productively and get the rooms I've been painting last week cleared up has caused a bit of a catastrophe since the cheap masking tape I started with let a lot of paint bleed through to the skirting boards my dad (a painter by trade) did just before Christmas.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the "good" masking tape I then bought to stop that happening has started pulling off bits of the cladding my dad did at the same time.

He actually offered to do this painting for me and I was like "I'm a big boy dad I can paint my own house" :facepalm:
Car failed, but nothing too massive; couple of new brake pads and a shock-absorber and we'll be good.

Decorating: definitely best left to other people whenever possible as far as I am concerned.
Particularly when said other people do it for a living :facepalm:

I'm actually quite happy with the painting itself, it's the fecking mess this tape has made to the skirting and coving that's ruined the whole thing.
At huge_towers we have a piece of wall between the kitchen and the hallway that is just bare plasterboard (but with neat skirting and door-framing) with 'this wall intentionally blank' pencilled on it. One day...