Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Morning whinging footie managers :Wave:

PS. Postie just bought this:

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Afternoon beaches.

I'm posting from the comfort of my new (well old but new to me) dining table :thu: It just so happens that Come Dine With Me is looking for hosts in Ye Olde Glasgowe, I might apply and then be a total cunt to everyone :embarrassed:

Right I'm off to do yoga.
noon Kazakh tycoons :Wave:

been busy @ work, too busy to post this morning :(

nothing interesting happening?
No not really. A slow news day.

I have a dept meeting in ten mins. Not sure if any of you are interested in that. I certainly am not.
Afternoon all.


Likewise. Got a software release to a customer today and we are nowhere near as confident as I'd like to be that it's good to go.

F*cking politics means it will go regardless however...
Hello fellow Euros. Just here making my annual "drop in to Mark's forum" pilgrimage, which tends to happen after a sense of nostalgia beckons me to check out the post-apocalyptic empty hellscape that was HCGJ.
Afternoon all :Wave:

Got a software release to a customer today and we are nowhere near as confident as I'd like to be that it's good to go.

F*cking politics means it will go regardless however...

:shrug: C'est comme ça. :shrug:
... and what is even funnier... when it all goes tits up five times as much effort will go into blamestorming as goes into fixing the problem. It's a large part of why I'm a carer nowadays. :wink:
Hello fellow Euros. Just here making my annual "drop in to Mark's forum" pilgrimage, which tends to happen after a sense of nostalgia beckons me to check out the post-apocalyptic empty hellscape that was HCGJ.


We're still the same bunch of cunts :embarrassed:
Oi oi what have you been up to PMC?

Speaking of being naughty on the job I've just applied for one whereby if I come to interview and they ask "So why are you suited to the job?" I could answer - well I'm not planning on sleeping with any of your pupils so that puts me in a better position than the teacher I'd be replacing :facepalm: :embarrassed: