Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Morning, wok. wave0
Morning, all. wave0

Not much to report here except that I can't wait for the weekend to start. I'm feckin knackered after Christmas.
I'll need to work out the logistics of it. I'm away as soon as the school's finish up down here and then I'm maybe going to rent out the place during the Commonwealth Games but after I get this weekend of gigs out of the way I'll see what I can come up with :)
morning schumi fans :(

working today and tomorrow :mad:

Morning, Ferry Fire Starters. wave0

Quiet indeed in here, wok.

There's quite a few people in the office today, except none of my managers is here and I don't have much to do except self study and research.

It was dead quiet on the road this morning, arrived 7.45 so I had 15 minutes to do f all
Morning crticially injured F1 legends :(

Finished off the year's DJ gigs with a couple of cracking weddings last night and Saturday. A guy I used to play in a band with was at last night's as he's good friends with the bride. Was really nice to catch up with him and chat about the good old days (and the "modelling" photos our hot singer has a habit of putting up on her facebook :grin:

On a slightly weird and shitty note, although on paper the new place I've moved to is a much better area than my old one (which I never had any issues with save for a football strip being nicked off the washing line years ago), my next door neighbour's car got done on Saturday night. It's lucky that they passed on mine as I'd left some DJ bits and bobs (nothing too big or expensive on its own but together it added up to a good couple of hundred quid) in the back of mine.

Needless to say last night every single thing was taken back into the house despite it pissing down.

Later on I got up to pee and as I dozed off again I heard a random noise like someone banging the door or hitting something down stairs. It woke my girlfriend up too so I knew I hadn't imagined it. I went downstairs with a big pole I took out of one of the built in wardrobes when I moved in (for when such situations arise) and there was no one there but it was really weird. That's a month I've been in there and I know the house's sounds and I can't think of what it might have been. Going to see if the neighbours noticed or heard anything last night.

On the upside, I know it's one of those things you don't know how you'd react to until you're put in that situation but it's the second time something like that has happened where I've quite gladly went down stairs ready to smash fuck out of anyone who might have the audacity to break in so if any cunt ever does try it, they are not going to have a pleasant evening :embarrassed:
Whilst clearing out old e-mails dating back to 2010 :facepalm: I had a bit of an epiphany - Wok, did I buy a Laney amp from you several years ago?
Whilst clearing out old e-mails dating back to 2010 :facepalm: I had a bit of an epiphany - Wok, did I buy a Laney amp from you several years ago?
Dont think it was me. Unless part of my memory has been wiped :shrug:
Dont think it was me. Unless part of my memory has been wiped :shrug:
Fuck you then :embarrassed: I had an e-mail from a degenerate immigrant Dutchie that just about made out the name Wok and I thought the profile fit. I wonder who the actual dude was. Some HC reprobate...

To be fair, this is now getting to the point of the Christmas holidays where I start to lose the plot - I only spent a good 3 hours in the pub tonight deciding exactly what time folk would descend on my place before hitting the pub tomorrow night and the fact remais - if you didn't sell me a huge heavy Laney amp, you certainly didn't help me shift it up the stairs today either.......

But I digress ( which is quite an achievement given how drunk I am) have a good New Year whatever you may or may not get up to everyone.

Fuck you then :embarrassed: I had an e-mail from a degenerate immigrant Dutchie that just about made out the name Wok and I thought the profile fit. I wonder who the actual dude was. Some HC reprobate...

To be fair, this is now getting to the point of the Christmas holidays where I start to lose the plot - I only spent a good 3 hours in the pub tonight deciding exactly what time folk would descend on my place before hitting the pub tomorrow night and the fact remais - if you didn't sell me a huge heavy Laney amp, you certainly didn't help me shift it up the stairs today either.......

But I digress ( which is quite an achievement given how drunk I am) have a good New Year whatever you may or may not get up to everyone.

I never had a Laney amp, although I now wish I had one :embarrassed:
I had a Laney amp! In fact it's (hopefully) still at my mate's place in Edinburgh. Wait, did you buy it off a guy called Phil? No wait, you said Dutch. He's not Dutch. Phew!

Anyway, morning Hogmanay celebrants! wave0

What's Hogmanay like in Edinburgh these days anyway? I used to love it, but last time I was back at that time it was just tourists and schemies. No (normal) locals.
I had a Laney amp! In fact it's (hopefully) still at my mate's place in Edinburgh. Wait, did you buy it off a guy called Phil? No wait, you said Dutch. He's not Dutch. Phew!

Anyway, morning Hogmanay celebrants! wave0

What's Hogmanay like in Edinburgh these days anyway? I used to love it, but last time I was back at that time it was just tourists and schemies. No (normal) locals.

I have no idea, have not attended Hogmanay celebrations in Edinburgh for years. Last time we watched the Castle fireworks from Calton Hill and we got surprise alternative fireworks on Calton Hill. Was a great night.
Never done it in Edinburgh or Glasgow either. I once had tickets but the choice between hanging out with my teetotal sister watching Snow Patrol surrounded by nds or going to a guy I vaguely knews house 10 minutes away and getting rattled whilst perving on my mates stunning (best looking bird I've ever met in real life to this day) bird won out.

I'm not quite sure a couple of beers in the bath with Bloc Party blaring (check the alliteration!!!) was the most prudent way to get myself back in the game today and now I have to go brave Morrisons to get some stuff for folk coming tonight :/

Whatever you good folk get up to, have a good one and I'll see you slags next year :)
'Allo :Wave:

About to get the turkey started, which is the traditional new year's dish here. Starting early should give me plenty of time to get properly pissed later on.

A great celebration to all of you, and be careful with the fireworks. :)