Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Never thought I'd say this, but pmc might actually be on to something. :eek: :embarrassed:

+1. Last Christmas was the closest the wife and I have ever come to splitting up and most of it was due to pressure and crap caused by in-laws (on both sides to be fair). Definitely avoid the buggers if at all possible.
Evening EU migrants who won't be capped :Wave:

@wok - +1 to all the wise words above, plus mojo etc. All relationships have shit periods, it's how you work together to overcome the problems that makes partnerships that last.

Maybe you could buy your other half our Christmas single. That'd certainly sort things out one way or the other... :embarrassed: :wink:

And yes, I really am that much of a whore :grin:

Morning Lovers

Jon id buy your single ten times but sadly iTunes won't let me.

I won't be around much today, I have to attend a First Aid Refresher Course. I am not happy. All day long sat in groups discussing and then presenting how to do stuff. And then that bloody resusiarseanne or whatever.

Fuck. If someone needs first aid in my department its highly unlikely id be able to save them.
Geez that's 3 bomb-like things in Belfast in the past few weeks. Luckily there's a much greater majority totally opposed to that sort of thing these days. Oh and the guy who set himself on fire can go fuck himself.

Morning, all. wave0

Very good to hear that home life is a bit better today, wok.
Morning all :Wave:

Toothache! :mad: :cry:
Ashes lament. :cry: :mad:

... but it's lovely and sunny and the birds are singing outside my window. :thu:
Continued mojo to those in need...
Morning dead train robbers :Wave:

coronation chicken sandwiches for breakfast. because I like to live on the edge! :embarrassed:
Morning dead train robbers

Nothing to report save that I just tried to order something from Currys (whom I hate but it was the cheapest). Each time I tried to finalize the credit card transaction it sent me back to their homepage.

Fucking idiots. So either I failed to buy the item or I just bought it 4 times.
Morning All

Not very busy round here is is Stu?

Evening all.

HOME INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:

Finish up work t half 2 tomorrow and after a week where I've been passed up for 2 jobs I thought I was a shoe in for I can't wait to get the fuck out of the place for a few weeks :mad: