In fairness 48% of us in the UK felt a mix of utter hatred and puzzlement the next day too
As much as I think it was a ridiculous choice, it was a much closer call than the independence referendum and this stupid precedent of "well I don't like the result and it was quite close so let's argue for another one." is the anti-thesis of democracy.
Anyways I've spent the day drinking lemsips and filling in my self assessment for the DJing so it's not all been a total loss. Next year will finally be the year that I'm going to keep on top of it instead of rifling through a pile of receipts come October
I don't think 52-48 (or indeed 55-45) is an excuse to shut down debate and go completely along with the side that narrowly won. It's not democratic to ignore almost half the electorate. 60% plus, sure. But when a result is that close, for something that important, the debate is not closed.
how did Engurland do against the mighty Slovenia?
how did Engurland do against the mighty Slovenia?
You're here in the season for bokbier, if you fancy it a bit browner. Amstel bok is always good.I'm in Holland. Fucking flat. Here they just call REFRESHING CONTINENTAL LAGER BEER, beer
You're here in the season for bokbier, if you fancy it a bit browner. Amstel bok is always good.
Should have known you were from did Engurland do against the mighty Slovenia?
Should have known you were from Europe...
It all makes sense now..