Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Afternoon all :Wave:

Been at the ma-in-law's cutting her grass because she wanted some company. I tried telling her that the job is pretty difficult when it is virtually impossible to tell which bits have been done and which bits haven't, but I think it went over her head. I'd have been happy to just pop over for a cup of tea and a chat (which basically means a listen)
15th Wedding Anniversary today. Rather proud of that. :)
Rightly so. Congratulations. :thu:
Morning all. Went for a nice Italian meal with the wife and son last night for the wedding anniversary and then had a couple more bottles of wine at home. Not hungover but definitely a little "sluggish" today at work. Roll on home time.
Im sat at my desk wondering about life and world peace .

No just kidding, I was actually wondering how I can look at all of those new celeb hacked photos from work.
Morning pervs :Wave:

or rather, afternoon.... Been extremely busy this morning... weekend is only 2 days away. Think I am going to spend my last weekend of my 30s drinking myself silly :embarrassed:
almost time

Neh i was djing yesterday and to ight and i habe an interview early on monday so it will be a very undrunken weekend. Theres a massive beer festival in motherwell this weekend too :(
Morning all :thu:

Busy clearing out my house, I have to leave tomorrow so my house is a chaos of piles of stuff that needs to be sorted and half filled boxes...

On the plus side, it gives me a good reason to empy all the almost empy bottles of whisky and other stuff I have laying around :grin:
to live? If so, congrats! should be a great place to live. Pack up warm! :lol:

Yup, I've never been there, but I think it'll be fine :) My girlfriend is studying there now and she's really enjoying it so far. Got my drivers license a few weeks back so I'm going to drive there with a car full of stuff. There's going to be a lot of snowboarding this winter :grin:
Yup, I've never been there, but I think it'll be fine :) My girlfriend is studying there now and she's really enjoying it so far. Got my drivers license a few weeks back so I'm going to drive there with a car full of stuff. There's going to be a lot of snowboarding this winter :grin:

well, make sure to drop in here and let us know you haven't frozen to death...
If you like boozing that is, I've no clue if it's got anything in it other than pubs :embarrassed: