Post your full live rig here!

Church Rig minus the tele

Bogner Shiva 1x12 combo, sometimes my Boogie Studio 22
2 Les Pauls in a Mono double gig bag
My pedalboard
Mike stand if I'm singing
Amp stand
Rock n roller cart to lug it all

Ibanez Artist, Fender Roland Ready Strat, Carvin ST-300, Heartfield EX-2

Pedals - EJFF, Giggity, EHX SMMH, Pedal for Lexi Vortex, 3 Switch Pedal for Mesa Studio Preamp:

FC-300 for the VG-99 and RC-300 Looper:

Amp and Rack JC120 / Mesa StuPre, TC GSharp, Lexicon Vortex, Behrenger Mixer, Roland R-5, EHX SMMH, Boss OC-2:

Soundchecking at Harmcon with the abbreviated rig for doing the ambient looping stuff - VG99/FC300/EHX SMMH, Behrenger 8 channel mixer:
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Finally got all the pieces together...

I also bring the orange Reverend Flatroc - but it is a backup at this point.

Close up of the new and improved pedal setup...

WOW! Thats a lot of stuff to keep track of.

What model fuzz face is that?

There are definetly times I mostly use smaller subsets of stuff. For the live looping stuff it's hex guitar + vg99 + fc300 + looper and for doing rock stuff it I could probably get away with strat or artist + fuzzface + giggity + delay into jc120 or a silverface fender or something.

The FF: It's the Eric Johnson fuzz face. It's kind of an unusual pedal because you would expect it to give you the Eric Johnson 100 pound violin tone from Ah Via Musicom but it sounds more like the fuzz tones on "Bloom" and "Up Close". I'm told his overdrive lead sounds from the old days were basically his Dumble at work.

But you can FAKE a Dumble tone using a EJFF + a Giggity + a delay like this:

Strat, then into the FF then into the Giggity then into a Fender style amp (I use the Mesa Studio on a clean setting). And then the Memory Man. It sounds pretty much like what you hear in the video.
There are definetly times I mostly use smaller subsets of stuff. For the live looping stuff it's hex guitar + vg99 + fc300 + looper and for doing rock stuff it I could probably get away with strat or artist + fuzzface + giggity + delay into jc120 or a silverface fender or something.

The FF: It's the Eric Johnson fuzz face. It's kind of an unusual pedal because you would expect it to give you the Eric Johnson 100 pound violin tone from Ah Via Musicom but it sounds more like the fuzz tones on "Bloom" and "Up Close". I'm told his overdrive lead sounds from the old days were basically his Dumble at work.

But you can FAKE a Dumble tone using a EJFF + a Giggity + a delay like this:

Strat, then into the FF then into the Giggity then into a Fender style amp (I use the Mesa Studio on a clean setting). And then the Memory Man. It sounds pretty much like what you hear in the video.

I really want to try a Giggity out but I just don't have the cash for new pedals right now. You're not helping.
It's got a tone mod in the preamp.... Can be removed easily. It's a sweet head if I remember right it's a 1978 head. That 4x cab is loaded with greenbacks. The 2x has a Celestion blue and a heritage.
Well, I basically have two rigs for guitar. They're both extremely basic/simple, but one (for the church band, First Things First) is with some variations to add volume.

For church, my usual rig is simply my li'l Fender Super Champ XD modeling/tube 15W 1x10, on a stand as a stage monitor, and lined out to the PA. Here's a shot from back when we were crammed up in the choir loft, w/amp to the left of me. This was during a choir piece (you can see one of the singers on the right turning a sheet music page), so I was "hiding" and trying to stay out of the way:


Nowadays, we've moved up front. My amp is still on the same stand, on the floor behind the grand piano (I'm on a one-foot riser with the bassist, as is a drummer on an electronic kit behind us) in the photo below, aimed up at me as a monitor:


Sometimes I need a little more oomph, though. So in those cases I chain the SC XD to something else.

And then we either run with just the amped-up backline volume, or mic a cab. For example, here we're playing an outdoor BBQ w/a very minimal PA (vox only) and a regular un-mic'd acoustic drum kit; under the SC XD is an 80W MosValve mosfet amp (previously owned by local hometown Southern Rock hero Charlie Hargrett of Blackfoot) w/a massive-magneted Eminence 12":


Here's a shot from a much bigger outdoor gig, also with acoustic drums, but with full PA. The li'l SC XD is to the left acting as my stage monitor, chained to my vintage (pre-'69) Sunn 200S into a DIY Celestion 2x12, with the 2x12 mic'd, in the backline behind me to our right:


Finally, for the church rig, we've started up a monthly "Saturday Night Praise" event, and although we're using electronic drums, we're going at a little higher dB level, so for that event I'm mic'ing the SC XD, and chaining it to the 80W MosValve (un-mic'd) on the opposite side of the stage, to open up the sound and make the guitar sound "bigger" without necessarily being (much) louder (overall). Here, before the event, you can see the SC XD on a stand, mic'd, to our left, with ol' Charlie Hargrett's tan-tolex'd MosValve (being set quite a bit louder, and un-mic'd-- I try not to mic the MosValve because it has a fan that causes noise) over to the right of the electronic drum kit:


For Crash Pad, there are almost no such variations. Guitar into an Ernie Ball volume pedal:


Straight into a Sovtek Mig 50H "Tube Midget" head, dimed, into a late-7o's/early 80's Risson 4x12:


Guitars are anything that's giggable (despite the coincidental appearance of my Les Paul Classic in most of the above shots). Basically the only ones that aren't available are the two oldest, my 1960 Fender Duo-Sonic and early 70's Ovation Breadwinner. All the rest of the below guitars are regularly gigged:

that is the amp our other guitar player in the band is playing through. Great sounding amp. He has tweaked his a bit and replaced the speaker.

It's a great little amp but I never would have noticed it in the store if it wasn't for a thread someone posted here.