Post a pic of the most beautiful guitar in the world(to you)…

That's the ticket!

depending on the neck profile you like, get either a Squier 50s CV or the Fender 50s Classic. the Fender has a much thicker neck than the Squier. both come in trans white, though you'll have to get a black guard for the Fender.
depending on the neck profile you like, get either a Squier 50s CV or the Fender 50s Classic. the Fender has a much thicker neck than the Squier. both come in trans white, though you'll have to get a black guard for the Fender.

I'll take the fatter neck and put a tort on it. :embarrassed:
That f-hole acoustic Flamencology offered is my favorite guitar shown so far.
I've never seen an "aerodyne Stratocaster" before, beautiful, but black.

But who gets to see his guitars, two guitars, featured three times in this post?
reitze! This inventorial pictorial is heating up between the two of us.

I've only ever played two guitars professionally, still using those parts for my new one.
Making them left-handed meant more to me than looks, at the start.

John Watt1.jpg 1970: '64 Stratocaster. Hacksawed the horn and used model car paint.

John Watt2.jpg 1977: Missing original parts, half Strat, half Les Paul

gigster22.jpg 2010: It looked like this for six months.

final finish6.jpg 2010: Today, July 23.
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That thing on the left... I have one something like it. Mine is a "Lestar" with two HB pickups.
Got it at a garage sale for cheap and bought for a lark.... it's actually fun to play. A little awkward dialing the volume and tone, but to grab and go, it works okay.

Pretty? No.
This is from a build thread - guitar isn't finished, but you get the idea.

He's goin' to add a half # ballast to the body to bring it up to five pounds.