Guitar Heel
Demented Trick
I love this.My Warmoth w/ Lollar Imperials ...
I love this.My Warmoth w/ Lollar Imperials ...
My Warmoth w/ Lollar Imperials ...
So much natural wood that it should have been on set in a 70’s porn, in a good way.I can’t see the pic, but it sounds like an awesome combo
I can’t see the pic, but it sounds like an awesome combo
Yes. And I was right.
What bridge is on there?
The bridge is a MannMade.
this is not really a very nice pic, and it's not much of a looker, but I'm still madly in love with this cheese grater
I don't think I have anything at the moment, but could probably record something once the home owner bullshit I'm dealing with gets resolved.Clips/vids?
Did it drop right in, or did you have to make some changes? The reason I ask, is I have a Warmoth strat and I would like to upgrade the bridge, but don't want to have to plug and re-drill holes or anything.