Pets of Wein

We couldn't get Lola into any nice daycares when we first looked because she was reactive.

She hates the one she was at but we managed to move her to one of the best local set ups last month.

They posted this yesterday:

Since starting the new day care I've noticed a massive improvement in Lola's reactivity.

We were out in the local town today and numerous yappy little dogs had a bark at close quarters and she ignored most of them and barely reacted to the other one. Usually she'd be the one starting the barking.

We stopped off at the beach and there was a GSD puppy so we got talking and the dude asked us to bring her over to help the dog socialise. We explained Lola wasn't the best with dogs but she was a superstar. She had a little sniff at the dude and then went back to her frisbee. He play lunged at her when she'd turned away which I expected her to go nuts at but she turned around with a "huh? what are you doing that for?" look.

It was really nice to see. She turns 6 on Thursday :grin:
Had an amazing roadtrip to Norway with Kiira. I'll post some more pictures later. In short, she has been behaving so amazing before we left that we kinda got sloppy with the training and had to kick our butts back into gear with all the constantly changing environments and whatnot. But overall she did amazing, and made a huge leap again :)

Best picture of the holiday (and someone having the time of her life)

A few weeks ago I took Brownie to the vet, and as expected, he has heartworms plus intestinal whipworms. We started treatment for both and he has been gaining some much needed weight. After two months of heartworm treatment, we'll take him back and test for efficacy. The vet said his heartworms are severe, so there's a chance he will live a drastically shortened life. Regardless, he'll have a loving home and doggo buddies to play with. He is such a sweet dog.

A few weeks ago I took Brownie to the vet, and as expected, he has heartworms plus intestinal whipworms. We started treatment for both and he has been gaining some much needed weight. After two months of heartworm treatment, we'll take him back and test for efficacy. The vet said his heartworms are severe, so there's a chance he will live a drastically shortened life. Regardless, he'll have a loving home and doggo buddies to play with. He is such a sweet dog.

Mojo to Brownie !
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We sent Arthur to the breeder for boarding while we were out of town. Before we left he ate approximately 25 pieces of sugar free gum with Xyletol in it. I was not aware that was deadly to dogs (not that we would have given him gum in the first place).
When we dropped him off he started vomiting and went very lethargic. The boarder ended up taking him to UF Vet where he spent the night and had a ton of blood work done. Everything ended up fine but since we picked him up he has not been the same. We left a rambunctious puppy and received a very docile dog. I imagine it was quite traumatic to leave his family and then end up in the doggy ER. Poor guy.
This morning he woke me up with kisses so he seems to be settling back in. Time will tell.
We sent Arthur to the breeder for boarding while we were out of town. Before we left he ate approximately 25 pieces of sugar free gum with Xyletol in it. I was not aware that was deadly to dogs (not that we would have given him gum in the first place).
When we dropped him off he started vomiting and went very lethargic. The boarder ended up taking him to UF Vet where he spent the night and had a ton of blood work done. Everything ended up fine but since we picked him up he has not been the same. We left a rambunctious puppy and received a very docile dog. I imagine it was quite traumatic to leave his family and then end up in the doggy ER. Poor guy.
This morning he woke me up with kisses so he seems to be settling back in. Time will tell.
Mojo to Arthur !