Ok, seriously. Fuck you, Ben Shapiro.
"The key component to Obamacare was always the nonsensical notion that government could force insurance companies to cover those with pre-existing conditions. This turns insurance companies into piggy banks rather than insurance companies – imagine a fire insurance company that allowed you to buy insurance after your house was on fire. That’s not an insurance company anymore."
Amazingly, Switzerland can manage private insurance companies that are required to cover everyone, including pre existing conditions. Some of the largest insurance companies and banks in the world exist there and are still profitable. I guess greed is the problem in implementing this in the US. Oh, and someone told the companies what they had to do, versus the companies dictating policy to the government. I just bought insurance there for my family, including an autistic kid and a wife with an auto immune disease and I had half a dozen companies competing for my business. I assume they were competing as they stood to make money. Switzerland has among the highest standards of medical care in the world (no waiting, no rationing, better clinical outcomes, long lifespans), so I assume greed in the reason the US can't implement this type of system. I've not heard any compelling reasons to the contrary.
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