OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Not looking forward to the next 4 years...

You are right about precedents not meaning something shouldn't be done, but precedent DOES give more of a justification for doing something. The Trump supporters, and even many of the non Trump supporting Republican rank and file would never stand for such a blatant usurping of power by the Republican leadership with no precedent.

Therefore they are doomed to support what may be the biggest tool to ever run for office. And we know most of the candidates for the office have been tools and by saying most, that means that several said tools have actually gotten the job.

I getcha though, I just think this would be a precedent worth setting, especially if they had someone that had charisma and could eloquently point out all of the problems with Trump and what he's been rallying his supporters behind. Those being things that aren't good for the party, but more importantly against everything this country supposedly stands for. Engendering the anger and blatant hatred of people based on their religion and ethnicity while also suggesting making laws that would potentially subjugate people for these differences is right in line with the governments that we decry in the Middle East.

But they don't have anyone with that aforementioned charisma and eloquence even if they were even willing. As such Donald Trump is their presumptive nominee. Romney's right, they fucked up.
I believe what we are seeing from Trump is an attempt to control the press, and it would grow to an alarming level if he were to be elected. Remember, he has been essentially a dictator in his business and personal life for decades. We see him harshly attack any person or group that displeases him or might get in his way.

Dan Rather said it best:
I had to FB share that.
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Therefore they are doomed to support what may be the biggest tool to ever run for office. And we know most of the candidates for the office have been tools and by saying most, that means that several said tools have actually gotten the job.

I getcha though, I just think this would be a precedent worth setting, especially if they had someone that had charisma and could eloquently point out all of the problems with Trump and what he's been rallying his supporters behind. Those being things that aren't good for the party, but more importantly against everything this country supposedly stands for. Engendering the anger and blatant hatred of people based on their religion and ethnicity while also suggesting making laws that would potentially subjugate people for these differences is right in line with the governments that we decry in the Middle East.

But they don't have anyone with that aforementioned charisma and eloquence even if they were even willing. As such Donald Trump is their presumptive nominee. Romney's right, they fucked up.

I think they are fucked either way. If they decide to call it contested and nominate somebody else, The Donald runs anyway and gets to play even more into his supporters paranoia. Expect violence. Any retaliation will only make things much worse.

If they go with him as the nominee, well... he is the nominee.
if......and i think it's a BIG IF, Tramp gets elected, there is this thing called Congress and if they revolt against him, he'll get nothing done. and as radical an asshole as he is, he'd write executive orders that would get immediately overturned by SCOTUS. he will have difficulty getting a SCOTUS appointment confirmed.
(i hope)
Not looking forward to the next 4 years...


Part of the things is, neither I nor anyone I know has been directly affected by any real or dramatic changes regardless of which person/party won the election. I know this is not true for everyone, but it is for most people in the U.S. Hillary is, frankly, another cog in the machinery that will maintain that status quo for the overwhelming majority of Americans without ruffling too many foreign feathers. As it is things really need to change, so that's great ideal, but...

Trump represents the arrogance and stupidity of our nation in a way that has a greater potential to cause real change, but not positive change. Trump's only concern is Trump. A president needs to be concerned for the greater good. Trump somewhat panders to that notion, but he doesn't give a shit about the voters unless they vote for him and then only for as long as it would take him to win. After that, not one shit will be given about those voters. It's also not his best interest to actually win. He can't manage any other job as POTUS and can't increase his real wealth...his real concern. Also, he's not interested in growing international relationships (at least outwardly), but if he is it'll be about longer term benefits to his businesses and marketability to promote Trump. Unfortunately (depending upon your perspective), I don't think he really wants to the job, but really wants to reap the benefits he perceives from the exposure. Sadly what he's done is let the bigoted, xenophobic subculture (albeit a YUGE one) feel comfortable publicly expressing their ignorance and hatred.

I could go on and on about both candidates and parties, but it's really the system that is broken along with a warped sense of ideals that have twisted and skewed the perspective of so many people. Uh oh, here I go again...

In 1992, almost this same Hillary would have been a candidate that many Republicans would have been comfortable voting for. The Christian right hadn't established its stranglehold (or more accurately the Republicans hadn't decided to pander to them to ensure their undying allegiance), so there was still some wiggle room on the hot button issues like choice and gun control. Now her right of center seems "liberal" and the tea party's right is is so far right that it's gone past being conservative to just being wrong. Among the initial notions of conservatism as it relates to the Republicans was fiscal and anti-"big" government, which is bullshit. "You can't control my rights to have guns, but you can control her right to choose pretty much anything that I don't agree with!"

Fuck it. We're all fucked one way or another.
he should have stuck with his first answer to filling the position.....NO.

In another ten years he *might* have been up to the task, but the GOP needed someone quick and he was the best hope they had at uniting the Tea Party and the party establishment. He has no real leadership qualities and considering how contemptuous the 2012 election was he has no credibility across the aisle.
Part of the things is, neither I nor anyone I know has been directly affected by any real or dramatic changes regardless of which person/party won the election. I know this is not true for everyone, but it is for most people in the U.S.

What? Nobody was affected by the war in Iraq? Nobody was affected by the financial meltdown, and the recovery spearheaded by Obama? Nobody is affected by SCOTUS nominees? Are you insane?

Fuck it. We're all fucked one way or another.

There is fucked, and there is brutally ass raped. Choice 2016.
Ryan took the speaker job because he’s not planning to hang around much longer. Not much point being a economic policy wonk inside an anti-intellectual party that rejects any economic policy Grover Norquist wasn’t pushing decades ago. Ryan took the speakership to bump up his post-congress earning potential. He’ll retire in 2018 or 2020, and end up on half a dozen corporate boards, put his name on a few ghostwritten books, and deliver lots of $20,000 speeches at religious colleges. Ten years of that will set him up for a nice retirement.
I am not entirely confident that there won't be a Civil War II in my lifetime.

America has always been bad at resolving differences without bloodshed (e.g., "hey we want some more protection on the frontier" "okay, but we're gonna tax your tea to pay for it" "FUCK YOU, GEORGE"). And it seems like a) lots of people kinda secretly are hoping for an opportunity to hoist the black flag, sharpen knives, and play-act apocalypse and b) there are at least two (broadly speaking) very different ideas in this country of how we want to live. And one half of the argument has the guns and the other half has the money and clout.

The failures to actually enact Reconstruction, to fully implement the New Deal, or to resolve the shit fits of the '60s have left us with the free floating animosity and general cynicism and wholesale political rancor that is not unlike the vibes of the 1850s. Corruption and ineffectualness on that kind of scale might be fine in a place with modest goals, but the sole universal belief in this stupid country seems to be in American Exceptionalism...which means when some circumstance or another tells us that our national butt looks fat in our jeans we freak the fuck out and start cracking skulls. If we can't see ourselves as totally 100% awesome, we will probably jail, shoot, or conscript a shitload of people until our general sense of awesomeness is restored.

This stupid election year seems to be the moment when even the pretense of "serious business" is being dismantled. This whole thing is like clown college spring break. Icky, a little scary, and only kinda funny. I mean, come on, we've created an environment where the Libertarians can prance around acting like a viable, sensible alternative. And they smell like a bong fire raging in a fedora factory.
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