WTF: Oh FFS (Nirvana Nevermind baby lawsuit)


Faux Guitarist
Baby from Nevermind cover is suing Nirvana for 'child porn'

This is fucking bullshit. The guy has said repeatedly over the years how proud he was to have been involved. And he recreated it on two further occasions. Fair enough, someone should have dropped him a few dollars at some point after the album became a smash, but approaching it like this is bollocks.
It was ultimately his parents who should be blamed , no :confused:

I don't know the backstory but how did his image fall into the hands of the album cover designer, Kurt, etc? Obviously his parents showed it at some poin and in fact gave a copy to someone because back in 90 or 91 digital photos didn't really exist.

Does this mean any parent who shows a picture of their naked child is distributing child porn?

seems to me like the guy realised there is lots of money to be made here.
i hope they all counter sue the fuck out of him. what a complete and total piece of shit.
yep. I don't think they or other famous people getting sued should really settle because that just encourages others/All you gotta do is come up with something which might possibly have a chance to win or really just something that will generate negative publicity. Then you set your initial lawsuit really high and in reality if you get anything yer golden because "anything" in a settlement with rich famous people will still be substantial.
Lol, what a joke. All they have to do is pull up all the interviews and recreation photo's with him to show it apparently wasn't a problem until now.

Sounds like some scumbag lawyer in need of a high profile gig...

EDIT: after reading the article again (this morning I only read the short announcement), it seems he already had some concerns for a while. Probably would've been best for all involved if they threw him a bone before it came to this. After saying “kind of creepy that many people have seen me naked. I feel like the world’s biggest porn star” back in 2007 somebody should probably have had a chat with him.

Does this mean any parent who shows a picture of their naked child is distributing child porn?
Yes, it does. Or at least they can be charged. I was going to suggest googling, but I recommend that you do NOT use "child porn" as a google search term no matter how you qualify it.
Yes, it does. Or at least they can be charged. I was going to suggest googling, but I recommend that you do NOT use "child porn" as a google search term no matter how you qualify it.
so If I show a photo of my dog and it happens to have his weiner in view does that mean it's animal pRon ?