Question: Official Music League Thread

I can only do it at work and usually don't even see that the new round started until most of you have picked already. It's a miracle I have the points that I do. If I picked right away I'd be winning. :corksniffer:

Not just the picking… once you pick a song, you have to wait forrreeeeeevvvvveerrr… for the list get posted ans start voting. :wink:

How many of you regularly burn the roof of their mouth because they can’t wait for it to cool?
So in the mean time.... I jumped into another league.... and Ironically enough, the first category I'm able to submit in is "Covers"... so instead of posting one from what we did, I went with "Wake Up" from Brass Against (I''ve been playing the shit out of their playlists lately).... and there are some pretty damned good covers in this playlist that none of us came up with:

Like this one, that I've already added to my regular playlist:
Are you fucking serious? No one did Let's get it on? I didn't even try bc I assumed it was taken. You guys SUCK.
Tell me something good? Really? Come one! Sexual Healing has this killed I'm sure and that's just sad.
Well, I am getting my ass kicked by all you non-sexy virgins.... I should have just left my Boner Joke song in there.
Well, I am getting my ass kicked by all you non-sexy virgins.... I should have just left my Boner Joke song in there.
I should have actually checked to see if Let's Get It On was available.
Or I should have gone with my first instict. Stranglehold. But I was afraid of the Nugent backlash.
I should have actually checked to see if Let's Get It On was available.
Or I should have gone with my first instict. Stranglehold. But I was afraid of the Nugent backlash.
I try to stay away from Stairway/Free Bird type responses. Because I assume people won't even click play if it's something they've heard too much.

Though now I realize that's probably what wins the most points. Even though I likely won't vote for or post it myself.