My glasses keep fogging up


Mediocringly Derivative
...or grab a 3m 52P71 from the depot/lowes which has a rubber seal around the face piece (and you can replace the cartridges even though it's a 'disposable' mask). They're like 15 bucks with 2 organic vapor cartridges included
...or grab a 3m 52P71 from the depot/lowes which has a rubber seal around the face piece (and you can replace the cartridges even though it's a 'disposable' mask). They're like 15 bucks with 2 organic vapor cartridges included

They were all sold out on Friday. I had to buy these on Amazon, and they took an extra day to get here because yesterday was awful. I went out for a little bit today and the air tastes metallic. Glad they finally showed up. Now I can go do the other things I need to. But we're stocked up for a while.
Are there nearby fires?

Or did someone fart?

The fire that took out Paradise, CA is north of us. Smoke started rolling in on Friday night and by Saturday afternoon we were well into "hazardous air quality". One rating I saw for my zip code was over 400, with 50 being the upper limit for "good" and 100 being the upper limit for "moderate".
When I lived in Florida we had a couple of summer wildfires and some controlled burns that messed with the air around us. Obviously, not nearly as bad as what is going on in CA. It's not fun, mojo.
Of all stupid things, the disabled adult social group my wife works with (two Saturdays a month) took a cruise on the Bay Saturday. The trip wasn’t cancelled (I went along to help out and keep folks for wandering off, etc.) and we ended up with a very unusual view of the Bay and SF. My wife wore an N95 mask most of the day (she’s had asthma for years), but none of the clients (many of whom are pretty delicate, physically) did. Air ain’t getting any better, either. I have a U13B soccer game at 6:30 tomorrow evening and a U17B game at 8:15, and I am really hoping they get postponed, because I do not particularly look forward to running somewhere between five and seven miles tomorrow evening...