Movie genres you hate


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I recently discovered that I always automatically skip home invasion movies ( and I don’t mean Home Alone ). No idea why, but even reading the description just instantly makes me skip to the next movie on the list.

What (sub) genre movies do you automatically pass as you have no interest in them?
Hallmark Movies. :annoyed:

The only time I've sat through one was when my wife would guilt trip me like "I've been to 3 of your comic book movies in the theatre... and you can't sit here and watch one of these with me?" Ugh. Otherwise I roll my eyes all the way into the back of my head and leave the room. :tongue:

And while I wouldn't put this in the strongly hate category... It does bug me that many mystery or murder mystery writers don't know how to properly write a good puzzle. Well written movies or series will drop subtle clues that once you figure out how to weave them together, you're like OH HOLY SHIT.... and want to re-watch the entire movie start to finish to see it from a new perspective. Way too many (especially limited streaming series) just like to do rug-pull after rug-pull... "here's some information you didn't know!!!... but here's the Shamalamian twist!!..." :annoyed: That kind of weak story telling doesn't exercise any part of your brain, and has ZERO rewatchability. :helper:
comic book superhero (hasn't always been so, but enough is enough)
boxing movies
modern war movies
I've lately started skipping the comic book super hero movies. They are all the same story told over and over again. Slasher/horror flicks are over done too, and I don't care for what is essentially violence porn. Gross out comedies do nothing for me either.
military style action movies (who is their military consultant ?? Captain Kangaroo ??) (and yes, i'm one of those people that will point out every tactical and equipment mistake. those things drive me crazy)

any mushy love movies.

and going with @Tig on poorly written mystery movies. one of the good ones that blew my mind, at the very end, was "i see dead people". holy shit, then i HAD to go back and watch it again to see what clues i missed, and then it turns into an entirely different movie.
not really movies but i don't like true crime stuff at all. it makes me feel sad knowing the fucked up stuff on screen actually happened to someone. I always think it's a little weird honestly when people are into true crime, it's like other peoples tragedies are their source of entertainment?
and going with @Tig on poorly written mystery movies. one of the good ones that blew my mind, at the very end, was "i see dead people". holy shit, then i HAD to go back and watch it again to see what clues i missed, and then it turns into an entirely different movie.

Thanks for thinking of me @smurfco :tongue: :helper:
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I hate how the horror movie genre gets a pass on setting the bar so low. Good horror movies are few and far between. I also hate that they never wrap up the story. It's all about a bad sequel with this genre.
I hate how the horror movie genre gets a pass on setting the bar so low. Good horror movies are few and far between. I also hate that they never wrap up the story. It's all about a bad sequel with this genre.
i hate how stupid the people (character roles) are in them.
the monster is out in the woods, we're in the barn with 100 sharp weapons, the car is running and is only 50 feet away.....what do we do???
run into the woods.
i hate how stupid the people (character roles) are in them.
the monster is out in the woods, we're in the barn with 100 sharp weapons, the car is running and is only 50 feet away.....what do we do???
run into the woods.
Nailed it.
A GEICO commercial made fun of that exact scenario. The psycho killer even rolled his eyes.
yep, that's the one.
my point was, that in all of those genre horror films, the "people" always chose actions that ARE going to get them killed.
and it is sooooo obvious to the viewing audience.
so much so, that it is easily boiled down to that GEICO commercial.
I don't hate but Ive no inclination to watch any rom coms or the Marvel stuff / anything with loads of CGI and extended fight sequences.
Horror, any Star Wars after the first one and comic book movies. Exception to that is Wonder Woman and Thor.
I wouldn't call it hate, but I don't like the whole biopic thing. Not only are the actors hard to accept as the person they are portraying, but they also tend to play loose with facts and either glorify or demonize the person. I'd rather watch a good documentary.