Hot or Not? MAP Guitars Nomad

To me the upper bout looks more like an ESP viper than an SG. Although I do think this would be a much more attractive body than the Viper if the two sides of the lower bout were balanced.
It looks like someone stripped one of Zakk Wylde guitars of it's bull's eye graphics.
I've known Mike for a lot of years now and he's an incredibly nice guy with a healthy amount of talent for this. His designs are not in my wheel house but that's ok, I like what he's doing. I've seen a fair amount of evolution over the last few years from Mike, I think he's really starting to find himself in terms of design. For instance:


The one I'm holding is the guitar we worked on together last week. Mike spent a few days in a row at the shop so I could help him with the UV finishing learning curve he's been struggling with. I really liked this new model, it has many ergonomic and design improvements that fit my style more than some of his other earlier models.

He's a great guy who has been learning quickly and building very good guitars. I don't think Mike's built more than 30 guitars yet so I'm excited to see where his stuff evolves too over time.

Mike was a quick study on finishing on this one. It came out really nice


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I've known Mike for a lot of years now and he's an incredibly nice guy with a healthy amount of talent for this. His designs are not in my wheel house but that's ok, I like what he's doing. I've seen a fair amount of evolution over the last few years from Mike, I think he's really starting to find himself in terms of design. For instance:


The one I'm holding is the guitar we worked on together last week. Mike spent a few days in a row at the shop so I could help him with the UV finishing learning curve he's been struggling with. I really liked this new model, it has many ergonomic and design improvements that fit my style more than some of his other earlier models.

He's a great guy who has been learning quickly and building very good guitars. I don't think Mike's built more than 30 guitars yet so I'm excited to see where his stuff evolves too over time.

I think it's really awesome of you to help out a fellow builder and at the same time for him to be willing to come and learn some technique from someone else :thu:
There's much there I like.
I think I would have moved the cutaways a little farther down the neck. Or make them deeper while keeping the SGish points.

I do like from the bridge Pup to the end pin and the overall look. Just needs to be refined for ease of access.
That’s pretty damned cool. I want to see a version where the f-hole mimics the horns and points at the lower horn.
I agree. I'm not a big fan of the semi-hollow but this one is really pretty. Like you said, the f-hole would look good mimicking the horn and I'd also like to see a more refined neck joint where the horns taper a bit smoother at the pocket. This one looks like upper fret access may still be a bit limited.
But overall that's a beautiful design and finish.
I love the carve on the SG body around the cutaways and that is one of the things that grabs me. I agree that there should be more access to the frets around the cutaways. The beauty of the wood and the carve grab me the most. As an awful guitarist I wouldn't be messing around with the frets near the body anyway.
Nah, I don't like the SG meets Gibson RD Artist mashup of the body. Also, it sure is lacking in upper fret access.