Gak Pernah Cukup!
My current fave -
Sarah on Ch 25

Sarah on Ch 25
Danielle Niles. Used to be on NECN, now with one of the networks. A bit unpolished but cute.
Our local weather people are all guys.
Danielle was my second choice.
also a favorite, but i never see her anymore since she moved to the morning show, Cindy Fitzgibbon
daaaaaaaaaaamnSheena Parveen
I wouldn't know.
This. I have no idea who does weather on TV, because it would involve sitting through local news shows. I'll stick to the newspaper, thanks.TV news? What is this, the 80's?
Sorry, carry on.
what's a newspaper?This. I have no idea who does weather on TV, because it would involve sitting through local news shows. I'll stick to the newspaper, thanks.