Let's play amp builder!

Need to see more pics of the chassis and how it fits into cabinet.

You may be able to drill tube socket holes in the chassis with a uni-bit, and by “stand-up” transformers to fit without needing to make the power transformer knockout for the common “laydown” transformer.

A small, 5w, single-ended amp, similar to a Tweed Champ (5F1) or Tweed Princeton (5F2) would be easiest, and I’m not sure I would trust the chassis to hold large transformers anyway. You could get by with as few as two tubes since a tube rectifier adds nothing to single-ended circuits.
The chassis in the pics won't be used. I'd build something outright and either fit it in or set it on top. I could easily cut where the original chassis sat for tubes or whatever. I'm certainly not going for looks as much as getting the sound I want.
A Princeton is a great idea. I like that better than a Champ for my needs.

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I can't really comment on what to do with the chassis, but the old amp internals NEED to be hot glued into a Dean acoustic V guitar.
I'd call you a genius but it wouldn't even come close to being the right word.
(Yes, I get the reference)

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