My mom used to work for Singer. She demonstrated the machines in the display window... And my grandfather did as well (fixing them at the store).
Was literally listening to that song when I saw this. Whoa!
Perhaps the dumbest and most annoying point of contention in all of guitardom.
Perhaps the dumbest and most annoying point of contention in all of guitardom.
Two techniques that produce very different but equally valid results. Actual guitar players don't engage in this same stupid debate. I have yet to be told I'm not a "real" guitar player because I use a pick instead of just finger picking everything. It's redonkulous!
Is Stanley Jordan a guitar God, or a total hack?
Lyndsey Buckingham calls shenanigans!
My posting is comedy because bass players will usually argue the concept.
Indeed. Not saying it isn't a funny post, just bitching and crying about bass players that bitch and cry.It's all interpretation. Yes's Roundabout would not sound the same using fingers. Tommy Tedesco used a pick even to play classical guitar. Session leader wanted him to use fingers. He used them to show that he could. When the recording session hit, he played with a pick.
My posting is comedy because bass players will usually argue the concept.
Sometimes I play fingers, sometimes I play with a pick. A pick can do things fingers can't, and vice versa. It's all good.