Maybe somebody already replied to this, but the total amount due may have been after coupons and discounts. Tip on the food ordered (and served), not the amount you pay.Tip scam?
Tickets must be pricey.
nah.....there are whole countries that are darwin award.Haw!
The way those people are sitting with their legs dangling over the edge, I hope that's in a country where alcohol is illegal.
Yeah, because making alcohol illegal stops people from drinking. :rolleyes:Haw!
The way those people are sitting with their legs dangling over the edge, I hope that's in a country where alcohol is illegal.
This guy means business.
Baby abuse?
Thank you. Thank you very much.
It was so cold today I saw a squirrel playing with his own nuts.
My wife and I were talking about this just the other day. It's already scary how targeted ads pop up while browsing. With one of those things listening all the time, it would take those ads to the next level.
When I started trying to get hooked in with insurance companies, they made me sign up to a national database. I spent hours entering all that information. Then, every insurance company sent me a thick packet of papers to fill out asking exactly everything that was already entered in the database. :rolleyes: