Let's Have a Funny Pic Thread! Mk XVIII

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Those things are all over the place here in the spring and fall...taking their sweet time to cross the road and create traffic jams.

There's a whole flock of them that live in the parking lot at work (Nutley NJ). They come back every year to nest on exactly the same parking island.
The facilities guy has a vendetta against them because they crap all over the place.
Those things are all over the place here in the spring and fall...taking their sweet time to cross the road and create traffic jams.

There was one wandering around the Tyson's Corner parking garage the other day. It was pretty funny.
There's a whole flock of them that live in the parking lot at work (Nutley NJ). They come back every year to nest on exactly the same parking island.
The facilities guy has a vendetta against them because they crap all over the place.
Wait until their eggs hatch. You will be attacked if you get too close.
Wait until their eggs hatch. You will be attacked if you get too close.
I got attacked 4 years ago by one. It was in front of an ATM and would not let me near it. They can be nasty. Didn't Seagram's use them as security years ago?
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