Let's Have a Funny Pic Thread! Mk 46

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maybe it's not from ONE lesson.
maybe it's from the entire semester. :shrug:
I had to look up the Ravi River, and I'm certified to teach social studies. There is no world in which students learn Pakistani geography and America's founding documents in the same semester or even grade/year.
I had to look up the Ravi River, and I'm certified to teach social studies. There is no world in which students learn Pakistani geography and America's founding documents in the same semester or even grade/year.
my answer to that question was : "the state of Shankar".....:lol:
yea, that one almost no american kid would know. but the other three they should. except maybe #4. i would answer "infidelity"....but i don't know how many 7-12 grade kids would.
As a teacher, it's maddening that anyone believes that a real quiz would ask about American and European history from two different centuries, geography, and sociology over the course of four questions. Seriously, what would that lesson look like?

Maybe they assigned a book to read. Along the lines of the movie Patton, flashing back to his past lives.
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