Let's Have a Funny Pic Thread! Mk 43

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That is made right here in Frederick, MD by McClintock distilling. I've not tried the Old Bay vodka, and frankly it doesn't sound very appealing, but it got a lot of buzz when it was released. Maryland loves all things Old Bay.

OTOH, McClintock makes some of the finest gin around. Both the Gardeners and Forager gins are quite tasty with distinct flavor. If it's available in your area and you like gin, give it a try.

That is made right here in Frederick, MD by McClintock distilling. I've not tried the Old Bay vodka, and frankly it doesn't sound very appealing, but it got a lot of buzz when it was released. Maryland loves all things Old Bay.
My old man (a drinker in his day) was talking up oyster shots the last time we were in a seaside restaurant. You'd apparently put a hot-pepper vodka on the half shell and slurp oyster and shot together. Old Bay vodka would be a good fit for something like that.
My old man (a drinker in his day) was talking up oyster shots the last time we were in a seaside restaurant. You'd apparently put a hot-pepper vodka on the half shell and slurp oyster and shot together. Old Bay vodka would be a good fit for something like that.

I was thinking Bloody Mary
That is pure Maryland/Baltimore there.
i had cousins/aunts/uncles who lived "up river" from the actual Bay......they had that stuff on everything.
we did, one summer, have a giant crab feast and i can say that old bay sure does work well on steamed crabs :idea:

in fact, i have a can of it in my pantry right now :thu:

i don't know about flavoring vodka with it tho :eek:
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i had cousins/aunts/uncles who lived "up river" from the actual Bay......they had that stuff on everything.
we did, one summer, have a giant crab feast and i can say that old bay sure does work well on steamed crabs :idea:

in fact, i have a can of it in my pantry right now :thu:

i don't know about flavoring beer with it tho :eek:
I have a shellfish allergy that is so bad I can't be around when they are steaming crabs. In the summer my father would go crabbing almost every Monday (his day off) and would come home and stream crabs. Even now just the smell of Old Bay makes me feel queasy. That is one reason I was glad to move away from Maryland.
I like Old Bay, but yeah it has cloves or something in it that is really eye-watering when you are brewing up a pot of it.

DO NOT WANT booze with that flavor in it. Although it would be fun at rush parties and such, people getting sick and tasting that on the way back up would be suicide risks.
I have a shellfish allergy that is so bad I can't be around when they are steaming crabs. In the summer my father would go crabbing almost every Monday (his day off) and would come home and stream crabs. Even now just the smell of Old Bay makes me feel queasy. That is one reason I was glad to move away from Maryland.

Same here. Luckily I didn't live around the coast so I never had that problem. I never ate shellfish growing up except for like frozen breaded shrimp from the Piggy Wiggly.
I discovered the wonders of crab, shrimp, and oysters after I moved away from home and closer to the coast.
But unfortunately I developed a shellfish allergy in my late 30s. Started with shrimp, then progressed to crab. I gave up oysters and lobster before they hit me.
I never got anaphylaxis, but did get deathly sick at my stomach. It took me about 2 times getting sick, then 2 more instances requiring trips to the emergency room before I finally put the puzzle together and swore off all shellfish.
So far I havnt had any near contact problems, or with fish at a restaurant cooked in the same pan or grease. But I still ask my seafood be prepared separately just in case.
That is made right here in Frederick, MD by McClintock distilling. I've not tried the Old Bay vodka, and frankly it doesn't sound very appealing, but it got a lot of buzz when it was released. Maryland loves all things Old Bay.

OTOH, McClintock makes some of the finest gin around. Both the Gardeners and Forager gins are quite tasty with distinct flavor. If it's available in your area and you like gin, give it a try.

I was really hoping this was not a real thing. It sounds disgusting.
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