Andrew Sak
Even Andy Deserves Good BEans
Neil Diamond
Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath
It should be required to provide the name of the tribute band you're suggesting--Gwarn't, Notorhead, etc.
The Smiths - Sons + Heirs
Radiohead - There, There.
I’m hoping for There, There.
Big Star- Big SCAR (because the scarred the music of Big star)It should be required to provide the name of the tribute band you're suggesting--Gwarn't, Notorhead, etc.
It should be required to provide the name of the tribute band you're suggesting--Gwarn't, Notorhead, etc.
KISSd By a Rose (KISS songs in the style of Seal impersonating Axl Rose
Christopher Hot Cross Buns
Tuna Phish