Prages/Mark – I was never the biggest Ratt fan, but damn, I like that a hell of a lot.
I’m really interested to know what you did in the mixing/mastering, it sounds fantastic.
Mosidiqqi – I think this is really well arranged, I like it a lot. I also hear LSD is very cheap in the UK…
Noquarter1983 – I like the guitar tones, what is that? Just one thing: I think the drums should come up in the mix a little (then again, I compress the crap out of my drum parts).
Gcord/MicWalt – This kind of reminds me of KingsX, especially the harmonies. Well, kind of like KingsX with that guy from Pearl Jam (Mike McCready) on guitar. Good stuff.
Rsadasiv – Good stuff. Admittedly, I don’t listen to much jazzfunk (although I have a few friends that play this kind of music), but well played. It’s also the first time I’ve heard this style of music played with a resonably heavily-overdriven guitar.
Karma279 – Dig the vox, the kind of style that you’d have to be a resonably big guy physically to pull off. Me being a midget, I could never do it…
Hobo Uncle Sam – I’d really like to hear this with some vocals over it. What did you record with? I really like that production sound.
aahhzz - Good stuff. I think I have mentioned this before but I think you sound like Chris Goss from Masters Of Reality. I have to ask: this Anne-woman-incident occurred before you met your wife right? Or is Anne your wife....
Chihli/Mark – Cheers for collaborating. I know I took several liberties with your recorded stuff editing-wise. I’m sure both of you are thinking: What the hell did you do to my guitar parts?