I've only been waiting for this forever


Shame. Shame, shame on you for coming all the way down here, without stopping by.
That's the idea! I hear you can get the 242 rebuild for less than 2 grand.

Nice purchase, she's a sharp lookin' Jeep! Your 4.0 should last years, single greatest motor ever built for offload and maybe one of the best ever (along with the 5.7 chevy) pure workhorse happy to idle along all day, more than enough oomph for climbing mountain trails even in 12,000 plus feet in Colorado, Unless you're plowing through midwest mudbugs only then a V8 is overkill, the I6 she idles smooth as silk, can run on peanut butter and molasses and doesn't require fancy pants gas...got 87 octane! The torque curve is pretty flat which is what makes it so great, very usable torque all down in the off idle to 3000 rpm range , nothing stupid like "peak torque at 4500 rpm"
There's many reports of over 300,000 or more miles. Oh yeah also no stupid ass variable valve timing or anything either, simple good old fashioned timing without even a tensioner on the chain....old school. It was a dinasour even in the 90's but damn I love my 04.

One thing to be cautious of though is the 2001 year, actually about 2000-2003. I'm pretty sure it was the same in Wranglers but in GC's the 4.0 in those years had some issues with heads cracking (nothing to be scared of just be cautious of not overheating it too much), it was resolved in mid year 03' The new heads were cast in a different plant and can be id'd by the letters TUPY, better known as the TUPY head. You can tell by removing the oil filler cap and looking directly down between the rockers with a light. Also some folks report piston skirts exploding but I think that's more urban legend or people being idiots driving before the engine warms up. Many I6's of the later years TJ's and WJ's (the distributor less engines) have a lifter noise on cold starts (some say it's piston slap, IDK) anyway nothing to worry as long as it goes away in a minute or two, mines done it since i bouht it 5 years ago.

Noise in Jeeps....It's a Jeep thing!



Anyway congrats and once again Nice looking Jeep!
OK so today I got some new mirrors. The 97-02 mirrors are sort of a slab on a ball joint, which wouldn't be a problem if the ball joint weren't at the bottom corner causing it to flip down in the wind :mad:

Luckily the 03-06 model mirrors are a drop-in replacement and feature a stationary housing with an internal mirror on a ball joint. So I got those. The passenger's side went without a hitch in about 5 minutes. The driver's side bolts were so rusted that it took me an hour and a half of penetrent, a hammer, a hacksaw, and a broken torx T27 bit to get it off but I did finally prevail.

And now my mirrors stay in place when i'm driving.